It’s time to wave bi-bi to some common misconceptions about being sexually attracted to people of different genders. From bisexuals being swingers to simply being on-the-fence, here we bust 14 of the common myths about bisexuality.

People that identify as bisexual often get a bad rap – and often from within the LGBTQ community. Indeed, bisexuality is regularly misunderstood, meaning many myths and misconceptions surround it. You've probably heard a few of 'em: bisexuals are gagging for it all the time, they'll go with anything that moves or they simply can't make up their mind about what gender they are attracted too. Well, it's time to get real. 

14 Myths About Bisexuals: busted

Park those misconceptions you have about bisexuality and face the facts instead. Here are 14 myths about bisexuals – busted! 

Myth 1: Bisexuals can’t be monogamous

Fact: Yes they can! Just because they may date one person at a time, or even be with one person all their life, doesn’t mean they’re not bisexual. You don’t need to date people of multiple genders at any given time to prove you’re bisexual.

Myth 2: People who are married, in heterosexual relationships, or in gay relationships can’t be bisexual

Fact: They can. If you only date people of one gender it doesn’t prove that’s all you like.

Myth 3: Bisexuals are just experimenting – they’ll get over it

Fact: While some people experiment, it’s possible to be fully bisexual without it being an experimental phase. Not all of them 'get over it' – that's a total myth about bisexuality. Many people are serious about liking people of multiple genders.

bisexuality-myths.jpgWave bi bi to those myths about bisexuality


Myth 4: Bisexuals are all swingers who have threesomes and orgies

Fact: The majority of bisexuals sleep with one person at a time.

Myth 5: Bisexuals are sleazy, and like anything that moves

Fact: Most bisexuals are not sleazy, and they only like some men and some women, not all of them. 

Myth 6: Bisexuals are sitting on the fence, are confused, and don’t know what they really want

Fact: Most bisexuals are comfortable with their sexuality, know they like people of both genders, and are happy with it.

Myth 7: Bisexuals are really gay or straight people who just dabble in bisexuality to be trendy

Fact: People can genuinely like people of both genders at the same time. There are more than two possible orientations.

Myth 8: Bisexuality is rare, they’re sexual deviants, and homophobic people are straight

Fact: A large number of the population have bisexual tendencies at any given time, even if they only date people of one gender. It’s not a deviation, it’s a legitimate lifestyle.


“It’s possible to be fully bisexual without it being an experimental phase. Not all of them 'get over it' – that's a total myth about bisexuality.”

Homophobia comes from peoples’ fears about themselves, and people who harass bisexuals and gays often have bi or gay tendencies themselves. If they didn’t, it wouldn’t threaten them so much.


Myth 9: People who start off identifying as gay or straight can’t turn bisexual

Fact: They can. Sexual orientation is not fixed, and can vary during a person’s lifetime. People who start off thinking they’re gay or straight can realise they’re bisexual.

Myth 10: Bisexual thoughts are normal, but acting on them is not

Fact: It doesn’t have to be just a fantasy. Acting on it is normal.

Myth 11: Bisexuality is not healthy

Fact: Like all orientations, bisexuality is healthy. Whether the person you date is your soulmate or a bit of fun, if you care about them and treat them right it’s healthy.

Myth 12: Bisexuals can’t be faithful

Fact: Bisexuals can be faithful. If you like the person enough and respect them, you don’t need to look elsewhere while you’re with that person.
Bisexuality: like tasting different flavours? shutterstock/Creative Cat Studio

Myth 13: Bisexuals are promiscuous

Fact: Bisexuals are no more likely to be promiscuous than people of any other orientation. On average they have the same number of relationships during their lifetimes as straight or gay people.

Myth 14: Bisexuals always have a preference

Fact: While some bisexuals like people of the same sex or opposite sex more, there are many bisexuals who are truly 50/50. Who says you have to choose?

Main image: shutterstock/adriodri.gar

We're glad that's cleared up then! Have you ever had feelings of bisexuality or encountered any of the myths or misconceptions on this list? Are you a bi guy that's faced prejudice? Let us know below...


Share your bisexual dating tips in the gays forum

Images:  Shutterstock 

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I prefer to have sex with bi's. They are often active and masculine. I have had some relations with gays. It was somewhat complicated. Much drama. I like to be single. Since many years I have an awesome bi/straight acting lover. I do admire him cause he loves women too. I myself have never had sex with a woman.

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I will pose this question. My dtr states that she is Bi. I don't really care if she is or isn't. However, i remember being told long ago by a gay friend that gays don't like or accept Bi's because they enjoy both. Is this true or just some propagandic bs?

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I'm so glad that finally someone put this myths out of the table...thank you! I'm bisexual, and I like men and women in the same way....

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Who knew! [url][/url]

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Like Calvin, I also have found certain women very appealing. I identify as a gay man, and have had one female encounter. I was 20, she was 36, and it all went very floppy. I have had a few bisexual friends, but they do seem to be far rarer than gay people. Interesting facts above tho, good blog.

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Such a shame that such stereotypes exist so thanks to Sapphire to help make this clear! I especially like Myth 8: I identify as a gay guy and have never had a sexual experience with a woman... however, on just 3 or 4 occasions I've met women who I felt some sort of attraction for... it wasn't a sexual feeling, just finding them really attractive/interesting. One time it was in an airport queue: a stranger, but there was something about her I could not explain, just a feeling that was she was special, LOL! Does this mean I am bisexual?

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