Is there anyone actually genuine on here cause all I seem to find are far too many are fake profiles and guys just asking for money (and throwing out vitriolic when I refuse) etc.
I'm looking for that special someone to lay my head down with at night, someone to hold tight, someone to love and cherish for the rest of my life. I might not have the nicest looking face, I might not have the smallest waist any more, but I do have the biggest heart, and right now it’s going to waste.
I hope to find the one that loves me enough to say, “I don’t care about anything else, I just want to be with you!”
I know I'm in love when I can't stop looking at them; I get butterflies when I see/speak to them. I just can't get him out of my head; every time he kisses me I get really nervous and just looking at him makes me want to pounce on him. The sweaty palms, the walking on air, the way of life is wonderful, thinking and talking about him all the time, just standing or sitting next to him gets me excited, but I also feel terrified (now there's insecurity for you). I am very romantic and soppy and have no problem in showing or conveying emotion in public (unlike so many).
Also, you want to spend every moment you can together so none of this...I need some space... nonsense.
You can't wait for bedtime because it means you can make love, passionately and romantically, sharing your love then snuggling up and falling asleep in each others arms.
When you are happy just sitting in the same room, when a trip to the shops is exciting rather than a drag, when cuddling up in front of the TV suddenly seems more appealing than a night clubbing with your mates, when your partner is unwell and you find yourself wishing you could take their
, when you are both comfortable walking hand in hand in public without wondering what other small-minded people are thinking, when their birthday is coming up and you begin planning weeks ahead all the special things you want to do for them. When you look at them with those come to bed eyes and you actually tremble because you can’t wait to get hold of them.
When they smile at you and your knees weaken, when you both laugh for ages over something no-one else finds funny, when you are in a crowd and you find each others eyes across the room and just smile because you know you can get out of there soon and just be the two of you again.
I have felt this way about all the guys I have dated for any amount of time (otherwise I wouldn't have bothered with them) but it didn't work out long-term and they weren't "the one". So how do you know when you are going to be together forever? Do you have to wait and see if anything goes wrong, or can you tell?
I read somewhere that you know you love someone when you can picture their face when you close your eyes. I do get jealous and possessive, but that's cause I have been hurt and let down by everyone I have been out with, hopefully now I can find someone who is genuine and who believes, you should treat people the way you wish to be treated. I believe and old saying... if you don’t dive in at the deep end, you'll never learn to swim

Love & Relationships18 to 50 years ● 75km around UK, Salford 5 years ago

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