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Similar preferences as natur

The great thing about water is that other people can’t see what you’re getting up to beneath the surface. There’s something about the sea crashing against your quivering thighs which brings you closer to nature, allowing you to explore that primitive side and any new number of different movements and sensations. Needless to say, safety should be a consideration here: don’t get out of your depth in some dark hidden lake. Baths and swimming pools (preferably private) are perhaps the obvious places to start – and those hot tub parties on sweltering days can get particularly lively.
“We’re born naked, and the rest is drag,” said the legendary drag queen RuPaul – and who are we to argue with him? Clothes are a societal construct; fashions change over time and, those proponents of nudism frequently see clothes as a way of hiding your sexuality. There’s a real freedom involved in discarding them and letting everything hang loose. Obviously, you can’t pop out for a pint of milk in your birthday suit, but there are plenty of places – from beaches to clubs and private parties - where you can parade your wears with like-minded people – and avoid all judgment.