Similar preferences as fing

Forget the voracious anaconda between the legs. Relegate the sex toys to the draws. You have everything you need in front of you. Gay Fingering should be top of every guy’s carnal menu. Practice alone. Or in foreplay with your man. Those eight small digits on your hands are the gateway to an extraordinary realm of pleasure.
Long gone are the days when you had to visit your local porn store for a VHS tape concealed in a discreet brown paper bag. There’s endless LGBT porn of every conceivable variety available on the internet now. And then, of course, thanks to Smartphones everyone is a potential porn director. But before you channel your inner Chi Chi La Rue, make sure you’ve got permission to record your partner - and when you break up try and resist broadcasting the footage of your sessions on YouPorn: there are laws against that type of revenge, as tempting as it may be.