I am usually laid back and maybe shy. I usually game/watch youtube and do sports like archery, I am also def very horny at times.

I am looking for an 18-20 yr old chub nerd looking for a first time sexual encounter.
I prefer hairless or smooth chubs, especially ones taller than me. Latino or Caucasian as well are preferred. An average size dick is ok, although a dick a little larger than that but fat and girthy would be awesome as well as big balls to play with. As far as what we would do there could be a variety of things. Ideally I want a tense situation involving cuddling, grinding, kissing, foreplay starting with clothes on and slowly stripping for a good while before doing oral or handjob/footjob type activities. A long lasting session is something I'm striving for with this. This would be my first time, so I may not know the proper ways to do everything or be the most effective at things which is why I am looking for a person in a similar situation so we can learn and figure it out together. Unless u live in my town I won't be able to get to whatever location you reside or any place you would want to do this at but if you could plan a location somewhere in haubstadt that would be vital. Can't wait to do this for the first time! I, like others hope that this experience will rival future experiences as far as enjoyability. Make sure to message, I am going to be very busy this month but I can find time to to do this somewhat easily. Make sure it will be easy to verify your age. may not be able to respond immediately. I will respond if you look attractive as far as my preferences go.

Sex & Hookups18 to 20 years ● 75km around USA Haubstadt

Looking for my second time getting off with another cock. The first time was a older guy, who made me cum fast and got me hard and going the second time in minutes. He blew me and locked my cock and cum like a ice cream cone, second hardon I see him pull out his cock, and it was fucking thick and long with a head similar to mine, I watched him stroke his fat cock and suck and stroke my throbbing hard cock and before you know it I'm moaning and telling him to suck suck and wanting to ask him to pull that fat headed cock up and rub it on my cock, bet it was soft but hot and I would have cum right away, because as he started beating me off faster and faster with my head in his mouth getting sucked he says I'm going to shoot but muffled because of my meat in his mouth he started to cum, I seen the first squirt from his hard big cock and he brought it up against my cock and that made me cum fuck I shot and shot and he came and we covered our cocks in hot thick jiz. I kept throbbing even with no jiz left to shoot. The heat covered my cock and balls and feeling it run between my balls and taint almost wanted more, he asked if he could have more, I said I had to go but next time I'll give 3 batches to him for such great pleasure and experience. Now if I could get a young cock to play with me and my throbbing hard cock I see lots of Cumming and hopefully new experiences, haven't fucked a ass yet, only a woman but fantasize about the whole experience, and when I finally get you doggie and my cock is lubed and I'm pressing my fat swollen head against that tight asshole and I hear a moan and yes. Fuck my ass and feel the grip on my cock that is now half way in, not being able to control myself I grab ass cheeks and pull u back , down to now your asshole is touching my balls. You have my whole fat throbbing cock un your ass and your loving it asking for more. Spank me u tell mee. Fuck my ass with that thi k meat. Now I'm pound ING. Slap slap slap slap. I can't hold my cum back much longer, that ass is so tight I'm going to fill u with so much cum , and one more push all the way and shoot, shoot, squirt, blast and I pull out so I can shoot some on your ass. A few squirts and rub it in with my dick smearing the thick hot jiz over those soft ass cheeks, then I have to, grabbing my cock and shoving the head back in that tight fucking ass I barely got it in but once in and being so tight I immediately started getting hard again and kept it in and fucked that tight asshole one last time , and not long after I again am about to cum. This time I want my little fucking cock lover to watch close up as I blast one last load and on your face and open mouth. Then you grab this fat hard cock and squeeze the last drops of jiz out on your mouth and clean my whole cock off of every drop.

New Friends18 to 80 years ● 5km around USA Carbon

16.02.2017 ; 11:37 pm :x

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Da su momak, i devojka, resili da se uzmu, a momak je: zaprosio svoju devojku, u kuci svojih roditelja, za vreme rucka.Da je, to bio porodicni rucak, a buduci verenik je: pio samo vodu, porodicna molitva zajendickom bogu, kada je: hteo momak, da zaprosi svoju devojku, pokazao ju je: crnu kutiju, kada je: devojka, otvorila crnu kutiju ugledala je kondom ( nasta se, nasmejala ), da bi se: ispravio momak, sa recima: pardon, devoci je: pokazao, verenicki prsten u crvenoj kutiji, sa recima: da li hoces draga Anonimus, da se udas za mene Anonimusa, sledio je: da poput odgovora, da bi njegovi roditelji nakon veridbe priznali udatoj zeni, da znaju za sigurnosti, da im je: sin nevin, da imaju sliku poput dokaza, da je: znatizeljna, udata zena zatrazila sliku.Da je bilo zakozano vencanje u crkvi, vreme: zima, da je: vencani kum, njihov pravolsavni pop.Da su se, vremenom vencani, kao na primer: muz, i zena, i poljubili su se u usta.Da je, za savet u vezi seksa, potrazio porodican covek od svojih roditelja.Da je, prva bracna noc protekla u kuci, da je: muz, stavio toletnu vodu na svoj beli bubreg, i pozadi svojih usiju, za vreme ljubavnog cina, usledio je: seksualni cin, kao sto je: oralni seks, pa se muz nakasljao, pa vaginalni seks, sa strane, muz je: usao u zenu, sasvim polako, seks je: trajao, nekoliko sekundi, tako sto se muz naginjao na zenu, i svrsio je: vremenom u nju, da je: muz, pogledao na vreme, muz kaze: da mu, muda rade poput amortizera, od automobila, i kaze, da zena vibrira poput mobilnog telefona kada svrsi, a zena kaze svome muzu, da pali zmigavce na automobilu, kada svrsi, kaze muz svojoj zeni, da mirise, pa ju je poklonio crvenu ruzu.Da je, muz trazio mali peskir, da obrise svoje bele bubrege, pa mu je: zena, dala svoj ulozak, kaze muz svojoj zeni, ja cu, da se potpisem na ulozak, a ti kako hoces.Da je, covek muz, obelezio svoj beli bubreg uz pomoc: olovke, na lenjiru.Da su, razgovor izmedju supruznika, da su slusali roditelji preko fiksnog telefona.Da se, vremenom setali u parku, kao na primer: muz, i trudna zena, da su pazljivo koracali zajedno sa desne strane, dok je: muz, sa zenom, da su disali kroz otvorena usta, da je muz govorio, sledece:,,Da je, trudna zena”, prelepa sa ljupkim osmehom, pa ju je poljubio u usta.Da je, taj poljubac videla usamljena zenska osoba, koja je: fantazirala, o poljupcu, i zaklela se u sebi ( da ce, da ga osvoji, po svaku cenu ), po cenu svog zivota, tako sto ce: ukoliko, ga ne poljubi u usta, da ce, da mu preti, ako mu ne preti, da ce, da mu se sveti, kao na primer: obnazice, se pred njim gola, ako se ne osveti, onda ce, da ga ubije, a moze na vreme, da se predomisli, da je: pratila, znatizeljna mlada osoba, bracni par do kuce.Da je, vremenom primetila znatizeljna mlada osoba, da muz od zena izlazi u bar, da se opija, pa je: pozvala, znatizeljna mlada osoba svog rodjaka, da se sprijatlji sa njim u baru, tako sto mu je: vremenom, sve priznala ( svome, rodjaku ), da je: zaljubljena, u njega, da zeli, da ga zavoli.Da je, vremenom pala opklada u baru, izmedju: coveka muza, i “prijatelja”, da ukoliko poljubi striptizetu za odredjeno vreme, da ce, da dobije novac od opklade.Da se tako, na vreme, i desilo, pripit covek muz, je: poljubio striptizetu, da je: pri povratku, iz bara svojoj kuci, na put se: isprecila, znatizeljna mlada osoba, koja je bila naga, dok je “prijatelj”, rekao sledece: vidis, to je: moja kurva, ako hoces, da mi budes prijatelj, moras: da prihvatis, onakvu kavu jeste, nasta je: covek muz, rekao sledece: da voli svoju zenu, da se vraca kuci, covek ‘’prijatelj’’, je rekao: sada cu, da te ubijem, nasta se izmedju njih, isprecila naga znatizeljna mlada osoba....Da je, muz resio sledece, da stupi u seks sa trudnom zenom, pa je: zena u ustima, natakla sa vrha kondoma, na muzljev glavic od kurca, i imali su redovan seksualni odos, sa tim sto muz nakon zavrsenog cina, resio je: da mastrubira, i urnira po zeni.Da su vremenom, iz braka dobili cerku, da je: vremenom, muz trazio od zene, da ga podoji poput njihovog zajednickog deteta.Da je, vremenom cerka odralsa u tinejdzerku, a znatizeljna stara osoba, pretila njihovoj cerci, da je: iznajmila, mladog momka, da je: zavodi, i osvoji njeno srce, kako bi to snimila putem mobilnog telefona, i poslala na internet, da je: na vreme, muz prijavio policiji, razotkrivenu spletku ( krisom citajuci, cercin dnevnik ), i sve se dobro zavrsilo, na pravdi boga.

U pod skriptu:

Da je, recimo zena pre braka izgubila nevinost, a muz je: taj, koji je odlucio, da ipak stupi u seksualni odnos, zena bi naterala svoga muza, da se napiju pre seksa, a nakon seksa, da zapale po cigaretu.Da je, muz opalio zenu od pozadi, dok je sa desnom rukom drzao za njen kuk, sa levom rukom, da je drzao njenu levu ruku.Da probali, su sa: da muz, nadrazi zenu, sa kockom leda od mentola, a zena je: sa koprivom, nadrazila svog muza.Da nauzbudljiviji seks, koji su vodili muz, i zena, to je: balon, na odredjenoj visini.

Sex & Hookups32 to 37 years ● 25km around Serbia Pivara

Similar preferences as star

The correct term is Coprophilia. But it’s more commonly known and loved as ‘brown’ or ‘dirty’. Or Gay Scat. And dirty it certainly is. There’s no getting away from it. This fetish is about deriving sexual pleasure from shit. The gooey, stinky stuff that slithers out of your back alley. And if that doesn’t make you squeal with horror, then read on.
The roar of the engine is a sure-fire way to get your own under carriage revving, so fasten your seat belts and test the durability of your chassis to its limits. Depending on the size of your vehicle, you can invite any number of people to partake in some full-throttle action: there are carparks and laybys especially for this. Slide back those seats, get those legs in the air (opening the sun roof for some extra room if needs be – or even better, opting for a convertible) and get those windows all misted up.
What is the point in having a rampant fuck and then shooting your gunk and wasting it? That’s the question that drives Gay Cum swapping. And the point is certainly valid. Particularly when one considers that dirtier sex is almost always better. With Gay Cum swapping your share all that sweet juice. Spread it across your whole body if you wish. But the focus is on the mouth and Cum Kissing. Up for extra cream? Who isn’t? Read on.