Wreck my hole. Ruin me. These are refrains in gay parlance.
However, Gay fisting is never about causing damage. It’s about enjoyment.
Myths abound. Central to these is the idea that fisting irreparably harms the sphincter. And therefore causes loss of control of the bowels over time.
But this is incorrect.
Gay fisting is safe. As long as you follow safe fisting
Trim those nails. Wear gloves. And lube, lube, lube.
The human sphincter is a miraculous muscle. It has an enviable capacity to expand. And then to contract again relatively quickly.
But you must never force it. That’s what can cause damage. And nasty infections.
Practice and relax before fisting. When you feel relaxed, your nether regions will also relax.
Ready for a bear fisting? Establishing trust with your Gay fisting partner is essential. Start building new relationships today on Gays.com.