
Unparalleled sensations

Fisting: Clench up!

How greedy is your gash? For some even, the most whopping wanger won’t touch the sides. Only a fist will suffice. And not necessarily just one fist. No. Perhaps two. Simultaneously, naturally. And why stop there? Perhaps a foot will fit too. We’ve all seen those bear fisting videos. These clips can look brutal. But those into it Gay fisting speak of unparalleled sensations. And surprising tenderness. Welcome to the sexual act that can stretch your mind as well as your sphincter.

 How do you prepare for a fabulous gay fisting?

We’ll be frank. Gay fisting isn’t for everyone. You either want to try it or you don’t. And you should not feel any pressure to indulge in it. Many guys simply can’t fit a fist up their derriere. Their sphincter just won’t relax enough. And for those who can take it, careful prep is required before that inner sanctum is invaded. You need to stretch, stretch, stretch that hungry hole. And needless to say, lube is your friend. Because no gay guy is self-lubricating. No matter what some may claim. Every bear fisting requires ladles of lube.

What is Gay self fisting?

The first step in preparation for fisting is to get to know your hole. Every nook and cranny. Each corner and crevice. Start with dildos. And then move on to some Gay self fisting. Yes, as the name suggests, this is when you fly solo. And fist yourself. But as with all anal play, easy and slowly does it with gay self fisting. Gay fisting isn’t a sexual sprint. It’s a marathon. Consequently, you need to train for it. Research says that it takes an average of one to one and a half years to become a fistee. There's a challenge for you. Make the most of that time. Count the weeks of practice as you count how many fingers you can bury in your beef cheeks. Feeling bold? Why not create a wall chart?

How safe is Gay fisting?

Wreck my hole. Ruin me. These are refrains in gay parlance. However, Gay fisting is never about causing damage. It’s about enjoyment. Myths abound. Central to these is the idea that fisting irreparably harms the sphincter. And therefore causes loss of control of the bowels over time. But this is incorrect. Gay fisting is safe. As long as you follow safe fisting guidelines. Trim those nails. Wear gloves. And lube, lube, lube. The human sphincter is a miraculous muscle. It has an enviable capacity to expand. And then to contract again relatively quickly. But you must never force it. That’s what can cause damage. And nasty infections. Practice and relax before fisting. When you feel relaxed, your nether regions will also relax. Ready for a bear fisting? Establishing trust with your Gay fisting partner is essential. Start building new relationships today on Gays.com.

Discussions and topics about Fisting

  • Fisting

    Who would like to fist me. I love it when a guys fingers my ass and lub me up to take his fist. There is not a thing better then getting a fist in u ...
    • 5 replies
  • Fisting

    • 3 replies
  • Anal stretching

    What is the best way to stretch your asshole open? ...
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  • Other terms for Fisting

    Keywords: Anal Fisting, Ass Stretching, Anal Stretching, Fist Fuck, Butt Plug

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