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Similar preferences as Geile Gay- + Bi- Schwänze in Flensburg und Um

The great thing about water is that other people can’t see what you’re getting up to beneath the surface. There’s something about the sea crashing against your quivering thighs which brings you closer to nature, allowing you to explore that primitive side and any new number of different movements and sensations. Needless to say, safety should be a consideration here: don’t get out of your depth in some dark hidden lake. Baths and swimming pools (preferably private) are perhaps the obvious places to start – and those hot tub parties on sweltering days can get particularly lively.
The roar of the engine is a sure-fire way to get your own under carriage revving, so fasten your seat belts and test the durability of your chassis to its limits. Depending on the size of your vehicle, you can invite any number of people to partake in some full-throttle action: there are carparks and laybys especially for this. Slide back those seats, get those legs in the air (opening the sun roof for some extra room if needs be – or even better, opting for a convertible) and get those windows all misted up.
Gay people have always had a more relaxed attitude to pornography than heterosexuals. Perhaps it’s to do with people associating porn with secrecy and shame – and the often hidden lives that gays have had to live in the past. And, of course, without sex education in schools it’s often been how we’ve learnt about what to put where. In any case, Gay porn is everywhere now. Stream it online for free, watch it with a lover, tune into some live Cam Sex shows or – best of all in the age of the Smartphone – create your own celluloid masterpiece. The opportunities are endless.

Discussions and topics about Geile Gay- + Bi- Schwänze in Flensburg und Um

  • Gay Personality: What's yours?

    Gay Personality is quite an interesting topic because of the new feature. What are your results? I didn't do mine yet im a bit nervous about finding out my gay personality haha I don't want to be intr ...
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  • Gay Sauna in Bangkok

    Can I show some information about gay saunas? ...
  • Gay Love and Relationship can be a complicated and sometimes toxic matter. Here is your safe space for gay relationship advice and burning questions you have about the game of love. ...