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  • Zeigefreudige

    Hallo, Diese Gruppe ist für alle Leute die sich gern nackt und tabulos zeigen. Zeigt eure Geschlechtsteile, zeigt euch in Action. Bewertet und ko...
  • Jung sucht alt und Dick

    Hier sollen dünne und dicke Boys miteinander Kontakte knüpfen können und live Treffen vereinbaren. Bitte seid Fair und Respektvoll miteinander und ...
  • Dicke devote Männer

    Für alle dicken devoten Männer und deren Liebhaber
  • Gruppe für Damenwäscheträger.

    Wenn ihr auf DWT steht und vielleicht auch Tipps von Andern möchtet, dann kommt gerne in die Gruppe .
  • Silvermen Dating - SENIORE...

    Community für Senioren, Rentner und Opas und deren Liebhaber.
  • Benutzung der Männlichen z...

    Dies ist eine Gruppe für alle Männlichen Zwei Loch Stuten unter uns !!! Alle die die sich gerne zur Benutzung zur Verfügung stellen wollen !!!! D...
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Similar preferences as Heidelberg Rhein Neckar Kreis Sexdate Treff a

The more the merrier is invariably better with sex. That’s certainly the maxim of many a gay man. Indeed, the Gay3some isn’t so much a novelty as a rite of passage. What better way to explore your body than to offer it to more than one partner simultaneously? We all know that you’ve got more than enough booty to go around.
This is another form of cruising or outdoor sex, also known as ‘dogging’. Is there anything better than getting down to it in the semi-seclusion of your car and feeling that big hand break between your legs? And think of all those hot, rampant truckers (male and female) who are taking a dinner break and stopping off in a lay bay - for all kinds of sandwiches! Parking lot sex can be between just the two of you, or anyone else who happens to pop by and peer through those misted up car windows. Just make sure your chassis is up to it, and avoid those in big, dirty anoraks.
No, we’re not talking long walks in the country gazing a picturesque little houses. ‘Cottaging’ - another one of those wonderful gay male terms that straights are often ignorant of - involves hanging around public toilets looking for sex. The pungent aroma of piss may not be to every one’s taste, and many associate this activity with a time when homosexuality was criminalised, but for some old habits die hard, and the lure of the urinals is simply too strong. The danger is part of the appeal and can be addictive - but, as with all public shenanigans, keep your wits about you.