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Where have all the tops gone? Goes the cry of many a gay man. And he has a point. A quick look at Hookup apps suggests that the Gay Top is a species in peril. The active partner in anal acrobatics remains the most sought-after of creatures. And a good Gay Top can be tough to find. We’re talking the kind of Gay Top who gives you the most rigorous seeing to in memory. The rigorous fuck machine who will have you squealing with desire. And quivering with aftershocks of pleasure. Here’s our essential guide to the Gay Top for every discerning Backdoor Deidre.
For some anal sex simply requires too much administration. All that douching and lubrication takes time. It can be off-putting. And messy. And not in a desirable way. Gay Handjobs bypass all of this. They can be as quick or as lingering as you wish. And better yet, you can dispense a thorough stroking of the salami almost anywhere.
In the cut and thrust of man sex, there are rigid categories. Chief amongst these are Gay Top and Gay Bottom. Bluntly put, the Gay Bottom is the passive partner in anal intercourse. His sexual preference is for the backdoor option. And as such, he is the proud and joyous receiver of swollen goods. Here’s our quickie guide to the analriffic world of the rump rancher.