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  • Passive Sau für aktive Hen...

    Du bist aktiv, gibst gern Sperma und NS? Dann bist du hier richtig.
  • Natur-Sekt

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  • WhatsApp...wer mag

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  • Sperma schlucken

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  • Dildos, Plugs und Analspie...

    Wenn Du darauf stehst, Deinen Anus mit Spielzeugen zu verwöhnen, oder sogar Analplugs dauerhaft trägst...bist Du hier genau richtig..
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Das ist das Berliner Fenster zum Sperma schlucken, alle die hier in Berlin unterwegs sind, können sich hier umschauen. Bitte habt Geduld es dauert eine weile bis das hier angelaufen ist.

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Similar preferences as Sperma schlucken in Berlin

With Gay BJs, one has to learn on the job. What else can one do? Practice on a cucumber? Which just isn’t the same. Or study porn. Which still isn’t the same. Because porn stars seem to lack gag reflexes, unlike mere mortals. It’s deeply regretful. Because a guy who dispenses terrible Gay BJs becomes a pariah. But fear not. Our guide to this essential sexual preference will put you to rights.
The great thing about water is that other people can’t see what you’re getting up to beneath the surface. There’s something about the sea crashing against your quivering thighs which brings you closer to nature, allowing you to explore that primitive side and any new number of different movements and sensations. Needless to say, safety should be a consideration here: don’t get out of your depth in some dark hidden lake. Baths and swimming pools (preferably private) are perhaps the obvious places to start – and those hot tub parties on sweltering days can get particularly lively.
The roar of the engine is a sure-fire way to get your own under carriage revving, so fasten your seat belts and test the durability of your chassis to its limits. Depending on the size of your vehicle, you can invite any number of people to partake in some full-throttle action: there are carparks and laybys especially for this. Slide back those seats, get those legs in the air (opening the sun roof for some extra room if needs be – or even better, opting for a convertible) and get those windows all misted up.