Twink is slang for a gay man who possesses that most celebrated and envited trait of being gay: youth in abundance. Usually aged between his late teens and early twenties, he is untouched by the ravages of time. The mucky business of life and its disappointments have yet to do their work. A star of the gay world, a Gay Twink radiates hope and vitality and is blessed with legions of admirers.
Where have all the tops gone? Goes the cry of many a gay man. And he has a point. A quick look at Hookup apps suggests that the Gay Top is a species in peril. The active partner in anal acrobatics remains the most sought-after of creatures. And a good Gay Top can be tough to find. We’re talking the kind of Gay Top who gives you the most rigorous seeing to in memory. The rigorous fuck machine who will have you squealing with desire. And quivering with aftershocks of pleasure. Here’s our essential guide to the Gay Top for every discerning Backdoor Deidre.
Are u sometimes afraid to confide in someone and u really either have a motive or agenda why?
Do u feel embarrassed because of ur sexual needs or preferences? ...
I'm a very sweet, caring, and affectionate (not clingy) kinda girl. So I show whoever I'm with my romantic side. I'm the old fashioned romancer with flowers and picnics and watching the sunset and loo ...