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  • Furry

    Schick im Pelz? 🦊 Das ist der Ort für alle Furry Fans. Tausch dich mit gleichgesinnten aus und erzähl von deinen Furry Fantasien! 🐾
  • Femboys, CD's und Sissies

    Die Gruppe für alle, die auf Weiblichkeit, Damenwäsche, Feminization & Transformation stehen. 💖
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  • Femboys

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M aus Walldorf b Heidelberg Rhein Neckar Kreis sucht im Sommer Abends auf Parkplatz o um See Sextreffen-Feeundscharft FFK Binsfeldbaggersee Speyer Otterstadt Frauen Paare Transfrauen Nonbinary Männer Black M BBC Sexgeilheit ausleben usw

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Tell a straight person this is a place where men can have endless anonymous sex in an array of private cabins, darkrooms, glory holes and communal areas, and their fascination will know no bounds. These places are generally unique to gay men, though some saunas holds nights for lesbians. The size of the steam room is beside the point. You’re not going there to open up your pores, but to open up another part of your anatomy – or someone else’s depending on your preference. Get lucky, and you may bump into a porn star; but on a bad day you can pace the corridors for hours looking for that elusive fuck.
The roar of the engine is a sure-fire way to get your own under carriage revving, so fasten your seat belts and test the durability of your chassis to its limits. Depending on the size of your vehicle, you can invite any number of people to partake in some full-throttle action: there are carparks and laybys especially for this. Slide back those seats, get those legs in the air (opening the sun roof for some extra room if needs be – or even better, opting for a convertible) and get those windows all misted up.
These gatherings can include any number of partners. The important thing is that it’s consensual. In recent years sex parties - at least for gay men - have often involved the consumption of ‘Chems’ to enhance the sex. Know the risks and be careful what and how much you take. LGBT people are wonderfully relaxed when it comes to group sex: heterosexuals may call it ‘swinging parties’, we call it ‘afternoon tea’.