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Emos, Goths, Punks, Skins, Metalheads, Satanisten & Occultisten - Willkommen!

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Beitritt wird nur bei Scenenangehörigkeit genehmigt. Ist diese nicht ersichtlich, wird der Beitritt nicht genehmigt, ihr könnt aber den Inhaber anschreiben und euch Äußern.

Emos, Goths, Punks, Skins, Metalheads, Satanists & Occultists - Welcome.

Only members of the black scene get approved. Has to be quite obvious. If you don't look alike, please text the Admin otherwise you won't get approved.

No looking for Sexdates in here! This group is for making friends or dating ONLY!

Private group
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Similar preferences as Goths and alternative men

The term metrosexual was coined by British journalist Mark Simpson in the 1990s. Back then it was a new idea. But today these men are everywhere. Why? Because they're a product of hyper-consumer society. Meticulous about their appearance, metrosexuals shop until they drop. Imagine a male version of the girls in Sex and the City. This of course sounds suspiciously like most city-dwelling gay men. But a significant proportion of metrosexual men are straight. Or so they claim. At least some of the time.
For some gay men, there are few things more alluring than a devastating pair of high heels. Elegant, dangerous and gender-bending, Gay High Heels have the power to transform an outfit - and its wearer. Indeed, there are few better ways to make an instant, unforgettable impression. It’s all about making an uncompromising statement. And often unleashing long-held sexual fantasies.