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  • Gay Daddies

    Die Gruppe für reifere Gays 🧔🏽‍♂️ und Twinks, die einen Daddy suchen 💕
  • Ausflüge & Wandern

    Das Wandern ist des Schwulens Lust! 🏔 Ja, aber auch alles was man draußen in der Natur noch so erleben kann 😏
  • Sissy Sklavenmarkt für Dom...

    Hier dürfen sich Sklaven Dominanten anbieten natürlich angemessen devot unterwürfig mit allen Daten die dafür benötigt werden Persönliche Daten...
  • Schwan*Bilder tauschen

    Wir wollen hier alle deinen Schwa** sehen! Komm traue dich! 😋
  • Femboys, CD's and Sissies

    The group for everyone who is into femininity, lingerie, feminization & transformation. 💖
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Similar preferences as Lkw ficken

This is another form of cruising or outdoor sex, also known as ‘dogging’. Is there anything better than getting down to it in the semi-seclusion of your car and feeling that big hand break between your legs? And think of all those hot, rampant truckers (male and female) who are taking a dinner break and stopping off in a lay bay - for all kinds of sandwiches! Parking lot sex can be between just the two of you, or anyone else who happens to pop by and peer through those misted up car windows. Just make sure your chassis is up to it, and avoid those in big, dirty anoraks.
If you don’t get carried away during sex you’re probably not doing it properly. Unleash your inner animal with a Biting kink. No, we’re not talking about tearing great chunks out of your partner. Some types of swallowing are strictly off-limits. But some well-judged nibbling or even sinking those shiny gnashers into the skin can take your pleasure to those sacred and much sought-after higher plains.
A guy's height is often one of the first things that we notice. And his tantalising torso is of course underpinned by legs. Many of us have height preferences when seeking a magnificent mate. But for some, legs take on a far greater meaning. Crurophilia or a Legs Fetish is the sexual attraction to legs. And it offers endless erotic possibilities.