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Discussions and topics about boss

  • Okay I landed this new job and im siting with a bunch of other employees waiting for the person in charge to do their orientation and blah blah words of encouragement and crap. When all of the sudden ...
    • 130 replies
  • Similar preferences as boss

    Sadly, we spend most of our time here, so it’s almost inevitable that we’re going to be attracted to someone we work with at some stage in our lives. Similarly, our carnal urges don’t just come to us when we go home and turn off the lights, so why not sneak off to the toilet for a quicky with that hot guy or girl from accounts? Given there are often likely to be less LGBT people in a workplace than straights perhaps the chances of something saucy happening are greater. But it goes without saying: don’t get caught.
    Ready to yield to a big bad Dom? Welcome to the wild world of BDSM. We’re not talking a bit of light kink here. But something altogether heavier. The first rule of Gay BDSM is to know what you’re getting into. And there are hundreds of different scenarios to choose from depending upon your proclivities. So, let’s crack that whip, tighten those ropes and explore.