Tattoos have always been used to make a statement. In the past, they’ve been associated with a wide variety of different sub-cultures. They can denote belonging, whether that be to a class or a gang. Inscribe your own secret language and desires on to your skin and create your own work of art. Tribal tattoos are now particularly popular with gay men, and some are more inventive than others. Be as exotic or as prosaic as you like. Be mysterious with an ancient language daubed on your torso, or utterly blatant with the word ‘Sex’ emblazoned at the top of your arse.
The roar of the engine is a sure-fire way to get your own under carriage revving, so fasten your seat belts and test the durability of your chassis to its limits. Depending on the size of your vehicle, you can invite any number of people to partake in some full-throttle action: there are carparks and laybys especially for this. Slide back those seats, get those legs in the air (opening the sun roof for some extra room if needs be – or even better, opting for a convertible) and get those windows all misted up.