Disco pop gay para bears & amigos en Chueca. ¡Abierto todos los findes! Disco pop gai per a bears & amics a Chueca. Obert cada cap de setmana! ...
    Los Romanes - Madrid - Spain
    Club para "bears" en el barrio más gay de Madrid. Ve a El Bulldog para disfrutar de su ambiente y bailar al ritmo de los mejores éxitos de los 70, ...
    Madrid - Madrid - Spain
    Uno de los imprescindibles de la escena gay de Madrid. Podrás ir allí tanto para bailar, tomar un café y ver partidos de fútbol. Un bar impresc...
    Los Romanes - Madrid - Spain
    Black & White ofrece unos espectáculos drag y cabaret que te dejarán sin palabras. Está abierto todos los días del año, así que... ¡no hay excusa p...
    Madrid - Madrid - Spain
    Uno de los bares más icónicos de la escena gay de Madrid y uno de los mejores sitios donde disfrutar de los mejores espectáculos drag de la capital...
    Madrid - Madrid - Spain
    Puedes ir a Sala Boite tanto para disfrutar de conciertos en directo como para pasártelo en grande bailando al ritmo de los mejores temazos house y...
    San Alberto - Madrid - Spain
    Bar de copas donde disfrutar de los mejores temazos pop, eurovisivos y mucho más. ¡Abierto viernes y sábado! Bar de copes on gaudir de la millo...
    Madrid - Madrid - Spain
    Un sitio muy peculiar con decoración oriental donde disfrutar de los mejores temazos... ¡y hacerte las uñas! Un lloc molt peculiar amb decoraci...
    Madrid - Madrid - Spain
    Un clásico de la escena gay de la capital española donde disfrutar de los mejores DJs y espectáculos drag. Un clàssic de l'escena gai de la cap...
    Madrid - Madrid - Spain
    Es tracta d'un local cèntric i acollidor on la millor música i els nois més atractius de la ciutat no falten mai. Se trata de un local céntrico ...
    Barcelona - Barcelona - Spain
    La Sastrería és una opció que no falla mai. Com deixa intuir el seu nom, el local està decorat amb elements relacionats amb el món dels sastres: ma...
    Barcelona - Barcelona - Spain
    El lloc ideal on encetar la nit barcelonesa. Els millors cambrers, bon ambient i bona música. A més, sempre s'hi couen esdeveniments de tot tipus: ...
    Barcelona - Barcelona - Spain
    Bar gai tranquil inspirat en els còmics de Tintin. T'agraden els pèl-rojos? Gin Gin és el teu lloc! Bar gay tranquilo inspirado en los cómics de...
    Barcelona - Barcelona - Spain
    We are a Gay and Bisexual Men's Spa in Downtown Los Angeles. We have private rooms as well a lockers available. We have an indoor swimming pool, wh...
    Los Angeles - California - USA
    A shiny invitation to mindlessly indulge in flash, the EVITA nightclub is situated right next to the iconic Nightingale Club in 90029 Los Angeles. ...
    West Hollywood - California - USA
    TigerHeat is mostly known as the largest, weekly gay event on the West Coast that happens every Thursday night. But TigerHeat is also a promotional...
    Los Angeles - California - USA
    Enjoy a night of non stop music and dancing at Station 1640 N Cahuenga Blvd, Los Angeles. The party runs from 3am to 8am. Expect amazing light and ...
    Los Angeles - California - USA
    The current location of Eagle LA has served home to many gay bars over the years dating back 44 years. It was known as the Shed from 1968-1972, The...
    Los Angeles - California - USA

Similar preferences as LOS

A guy's height is often one of the first things that we notice. And his tantalising torso is of course underpinned by legs. Many of us have height preferences when seeking a magnificent mate. But for some, legs take on a far greater meaning. Crurophilia or a Legs Fetish is the sexual attraction to legs. And it offers endless erotic possibilities.
This is another form of cruising or outdoor sex, also known as ‘dogging’. Is there anything better than getting down to it in the semi-seclusion of your car and feeling that big hand break between your legs? And think of all those hot, rampant truckers (male and female) who are taking a dinner break and stopping off in a lay bay - for all kinds of sandwiches! Parking lot sex can be between just the two of you, or anyone else who happens to pop by and peer through those misted up car windows. Just make sure your chassis is up to it, and avoid those in big, dirty anoraks.
Doesn’t everything start with the lips? How else do we show affection, but by kissing? They’re one of the first things we notice in a partner, and they come in every conceivable shape, colour and texture. They can be thick, thin, cupid-bowed, or - yes please - blow job lips: every person’s is unique – and more importantly, so are the ways that they use them. Kissing on the mouth, of course, but also using your lips to give your partner a good working over on every part of their body you can think of.