The current location of Eagle LA has served home to many gay bars over the years dating back 44 years. It was known as the Shed from 1968-1972, The...
    Los Angeles - California - USA
    The Eagle bar originally was a longshoreman’s pub called the Eagle Open Kitchen at 142 11th Avenue at 21st Street from 1931 to 1970. In 1969 the st...
    New York (Manhattan) - New York - USA

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Anal is overwhelmingly associated with gay men. Taking a back door delivery is considered the main event when it comes to shaking those sheets. Indeed, one can feel like a Bad Gay if one isn't into it. Or, heaven forbid, does it badly. But fear not. Relax that Sphincter. Prep for a damn fine porking. Here’s all you need to know about How to do Anal.
Ready to yield to a big bad Dom? Welcome to the wild world of BDSM. We’re not talking a bit of light kink here. But something altogether heavier. The first rule of Gay BDSM is to know what you’re getting into. And there are hundreds of different scenarios to choose from depending upon your proclivities. So, let’s crack that whip, tighten those ropes and explore.