Most of us would probably prefer a larger dick if we could have one. So, from cock pumps to jelqing, Alex Hopkins shares real ways to increase your size, plus some sneaky non-invasive penis
Loneliness is epidemic in the gay community, with queer people far more likely than heterosexuals to commit suicide. Are you gay and lonely? From finding your tribe to discovering life purpose, Alex
Talking about depression is tough – particularly for members of the LGBTQ community. Indeed, a recent UK survey found that only a third of gay men would talk openly about their mental health issues.
As gay men, many of us are familiar with anal douching, but that doesn't mean we necessarily wanna chat about it over lunch. However, if you want to learn how to anal douche correctly and safely,
Planning on getting fit for 2023? If you’ve joined the gym or classes in the past but have become disillusioned with your results, read on. Personal trainer Arash Nassir-Pour shares his
The term 'HIV undetectable' is one familiar with most of us in the LGBTQ+ community, but it’s also often misunderstood. Alex Hopkins explains what it means and explores how another expression, 'u=u'
Disclosing a positive HIV status to a friend, family member or lover is usually tricky. Alex Hopkins has seven suggestions on how we can make coming out as HIV-positive that bit
From disclosure issues to medication to stigma, freelance writer David Duran shares his story of the modern day realities of living with HIV.
Being involved within the HIV/AIDS
No relationship is perfect. However, any relationship that makes you feel unsafe, sad, and makes you compromise with your self-respect is undoubtedly not a relationship you should be
The gay gym is, for many a man, as essential to life as sex itself. Indeed, the two are often integrally related. Here are our six tips on using the gym to attract a guy.
1: Pulsating
Since the Do It London HIV prevention program began in 2015, new transmissions of HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) have fallen sharply. What is happening? Alex Hopkins speaks to Paul
Despite the increase in gender fluidity across society, many guys still feel uncomfortable talking about what they put on their face. We take a look at the changing attitudes towards male
In the wake of the allegations against Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, Alex Hopkins speaks to gay men about their experiences of sexual harassment.
Gay bars and clubs are often
Gay men are no strangers to cosmetic surgery - just look at the new trend for anal botox! Alex Hopkins speaks to guys who have had Botox, fillers – and more. What are the options available – and what
Abs are the holy grail in the gay world – and judging by the photos in gay magazines, we all have them, don’t we? The truth is that a lifetime of counting calories, cutting carbs and alcohol – isn't
Sex is everywhere in gay life. If you believe all what you read, men are at it 24/7. But some people, believe it or not, choose to abstain from sex. What are the reasons behind this? Alex Hopkins at
Encountering a magnificent Prince Albert can be enough to make some gay men’s eyes water – quite literally. If you’re brave enough to consider getting a bolt through your cock, what options are open
Protein powders are big business and beloved by gay guys – but they’re also a minefield with so many out there on the market. If you're about to embark on a fitness regime using protein shakes, Alex
There’s no denying that cocks come in all shapes and sizes, but whether you’ve got a chipolata or tonsil twister, all beef bayonets work in the same way - and without the blood pumping, you can
Male pattern baldness terrifies many gay men. But it can be treated if caught early enough, as Alex Hopkins found out.
Guys say so much with their hair (or lack of it), and for those of
Alex Hopkins speaks to gay men in their 60s. How are they navigating the financial and emotional challenges of retirement, and what options are open to them?
“Old age ain’t no place for
It’s no surprise that depression is prevalent among gay men. Alex Hopkins looks at the secrets and shame gay men often carry from childhood into adulthood. How do we deal with this to build a
Gay muscle cam guys have carved out a space that mixes fitness, charisma, and desire in a way that’s unique in the world of live-streamed adult entertainment. Watching muscular men flex and engage in
Will the next generation of young gay men live in a world where HIV is a thing of the past? It sounds like a dream – but it could well be achievable. Here are nine ways we can improve HIV
The past year has changed how we exercise, especially with gym closures, but that doesn't mean we need to pile on the pounds! If you're looking to continue home workouts (or start them), we've got