Most of us would probably prefer a larger dick if we could have one. So, from cock pumps to jelqing, Alex Hopkins shares real ways to increase your size, plus some sneaky non-invasive penis enlargement tips and tricks. Just what lengths would you go to boost your cock size and make your dick look bigger?

Every guy's spam email folder is full of much the same stuff: packed with dodgy messages promising the Holy Grail – how to make your dick bigger (or at least look bigger). We all know that sex sells; as does anything that offers the faintest chance of being bigger and better at it.

Us guys often have an unhealthy obsession with the size of our cocks and owning a big one, and it's not surprising given the amount of penile pressure around us. Magazine ads and billboards selling underwear by the likes of Calvin Klein feature models like David Beckham and David Gandy, all glistening, buff and staring down at us in their big, bulging briefs.

And then there's porn. When have you ever seen a guy with even an average-sized cock in adult movies (let alone a small cock)? Er, never. In fact, it's fair to say that pornography has distorted our collected sense of how big the average cock actually is.

So, just how big is the average dick? In reality, the average erect penis is 5.1 inches long, and 90% of those with a penis fall within the range of 4-6.3 inches. Even a 7 or 8 inch dick is relatively uncommon. So, those massive XL dicks that male porn actors plough away with? Actually pretty rare in the scheme of things.


It's enough to give anyone a complex. So, if you feel like you’ve got a toothpick down there, rather than a power tool, what can you do about it? 

Real Ways To Increase Your Size?

It seems this is a question many men are asking, as studies show approximately half of us would prefer to have a bigger cock. 

According to a 2006 survey of over 50,000 men published in Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 55% of guys were content with the size of their cock, but the other 45% wanted it to be larger. That's almost half the adult population that are unhappy with their todgers. Conversely, just 0.2% of respondents wanted a smaller penis (damn them!). So, just how can you make your dick look bigger? Here are five of the most-common methods on the market:


1. Pump it up

The vacuum pump is probably the most well-known way of doubling up that dick. The premise is simple: the vacuum draws blood into your cock, making it swell to larger-than-previous proportions. However, the effect, of course, is temporary.

Also, be warned: using a pump will make your dick look bigger for a time, but using it too often can risk damaging all that fragile elastic tissue in your cock shaft. This could mean that in the long-term those powerful erections might actually become more of a challenge. 

Penis pumps can really increase your size... for a while shutterstock/Vershinin89


2. Jelqing ‘n' jacking off

Jelqing (even the word sounds sexual, doesn’t it?) is a fancy term for exercises that aim to make your dick bigger: a hand-over-hand motion that works to push the blood up from the base to the tip of your tonsil-teaser. It's argued that the force administered by the action creates microtears in the penile tissue with new cells then growing to repair the tears, leading to an increase in dick size (kind of like bodybuilding for your boner).


“Every guy's spam email is full of the same stuff: dodgy messages promising the Holy Grail – how to make your dick bigger (or at least look bigger).”

Like so many promised real ways to increase your size, there’s no scientific proof that jelquing works. This ancient massage technique is thought to have originated in the Middle East, but has recently begun to gain popularity again. So, how do you practice jelquing exactly? All you really need is the following: a semi-erect penis, lube, and time! There are various types of jelquing techniques to follow online, but they all follow the fundamental move, as described here:

  • Make a circle with your thumb and forefinger (creating the 'OK' sign) and hold it tight around the base of your penis.
  • Make another tight OK sign with your other hand and place above your other hand on your penis. 
  • Slowly squeeze your penis from the base to the tip over five to seven seconds. 
  • Repeat approx. 30-50 times, daily. 

Need a better idea of how to do it? Then check out this very NSFW jelquing technique video. It's actually been viewed millions of times – proof that plenty of guys around the globe are looking for real ways to increase their size. And while the jelquing technique may sound like masturbation, for many guys it's more akin to the idea of, er, milking a goat!

3. Dodgy dick drugs

And here we come to the spam emails and internet pop-ups you see every day, promising all sorts of wonders with just one little pill. The cold hard truth is that none of these are scientifically proven to work offer real ways to increase your size and are likely to leave your bank balance as limp as your dick.

In fact, taking these type of dick pills – especially if bought randomly off the internet – could be down-right dangerous. Avoid at all costs. 

4. Selecting silicone

Oh, the desperate measures some guys will go to emulate their porn idol – or even enter the industry themselves. Yes, invite some complete phony round to inject some mystery fluid into your dick. 


“Like so many promised real ways to increase your size, there’s no scientific proof that jelquing actually works.”


Sounds ludicrous, doesn’t it? But horror stories abound about mutating silicone. Don’t go there – if you don’t end up with an amputated cock, the shame at the emergency room will likely kill you.

5. Penoplasty promise?

The biggest hope for real penis enlargement (or so people think) is surgery, AKA penoplasty. Penoplasty isn’t for the faint-hearted: the severing of ligaments and redistribution of fat isn’t exactly a turn on, is it? Still, more and more men are going to under the knife – but the jury is still out on whether it actually works.

A YouGov survey from 2015 found that penoplasty was one of the most desired cosmetic procedures amongst American men, second only to fat reduction, in fact. 

Made to measure: how do you make your dick look bigger?

      Reality check!

      OK, let’s keep it simple and brutal: none of the above guarantee you’re going to turn into Jeff Stryker and some of the methods that claim to increase your penis size actually come with serious health risks. 

      So, what can you do? Well, here are some risk-free techniques you can work with that will make your dick look bigger. They may not add actual inches to your cock, but they may just do the job:

      • Banish the bush It’s not rocket science – excessive foliage at the base of your man meat is going to obscure its full glory. So, get out your hair trimmer out and get busy with some manscaping. But remember to put some blade covers and just shave your pubes a bit – we wouldn't shave them off completely; that plucked chicken look is never nice. Trim to win!
      • Cut through the fat A no-brainer: exercise. Shed that beer belly, and you’re not going to have that flabby shelf hanging over your pork sword, are you? Don’t let your manhood dwindle away in the shadow of too many kebabs – let it shine! Exercise will also make you feel better and increase your overall confidence levels too, which may make you feel better about any hang-ups you have with the size of your penis. 
      • Talking tools Chat to your partner if you have one – learn what they want to get up to between the sheets and what they enjoy in sex. Be imaginative. Stop getting so hung-up on size – sex is not only about the ins and outs of fucking. Take time to really enjoy foreplay and other types of sexual play. 


      The bottom line: how to make your dick look bigger

      Many of us would love to have a bigger penis. And while they are some real ways to increase your size, some of them come with risks. You may be better off just trying some risk-free, non-invasive ways that just make your dick look bigger.

      And remember, if you think you’re small, you may just be average. If you think you’re huge, there’s always going to be some hungry bottom ready to destroy your fragile ego and tell you it didn’t even touch the sides! • Main image: shutterstock/Just dance


      Are you happy with your dick size or are you always on the hunt for real ways to increase your size? Or, have you tried any of our 'how to make your dick look bigger' tips? Let us know by commenting below...

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      Never been a size queen, either as regards others or myself. You got what you got, and dick is dick. 

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