
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 68
Position Bottom
Status Single
Height 179cm
Weight 106kg
Body shape Belly
Orientation Gay
Safer Sex It's debatable
Eye colour Hazel
Hair colour Black
Hair length Short
Beard Shaved/no beard
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Country of origin UK
Nationality English
Personality Loving
Religion No religious beliefs
Identity Just me
How out Not out yet
Pubic Hair Shaved
Body Hair Smooth
Cock Length 16cm
Cock Width 5cm
Zodiac sign Pisces
Glasses Yes
Smoker No
Tattoos A few
Piercings No
Disability No
I can speak English

About me


Caring, happy, sad, adventurous, quiet, very homely, clean and tidy, considerate, I say things as they are I am very much straight to the point some take offence by this but its not meant to be hurtful in any way I’m just me and don’t beat around the bush so to speak. I don’t like to frequent pubs or clubs, I wear glasses for computers or reading not all day. I am not into kissing


I want sex with a guy or guys I want them to be used and have your cocks in me both ends, anything goes but no or , in short I want anything, they are my desires, whats yours? let me fulfil themxxx. Anything else is a bonus xxx

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icon-wio a-deepdarkness has updated their profile description
  • 27.12.2018 22:16:35
  • Male (68)
  • Aberdeen
  • Single
Caring, happy, sad, adventurous, quiet, very homely, clean and tidy, considerate, I say things as they are I am very much straight to the point some take offence by this but its not meant to be hurtful in any way I’m just me and don’t beat around the bush so to speak. I don’t like to frequent pubs More… or clubs, I wear glasses for computers or reading not all day. I am not into kissing
icon-wio a-deepdarkness has updated their desires and fantasies info
  • 27.12.2018 22:14:51
  • Male (68)
  • Aberdeen
  • Single
I want sex with a guy or guys I want them to be used and have your cocks in me both ends, anything goes but no or , in short I want anything, they are my desires, whats yours? let me fulfil themxxx. Anything else is a bonus xxx
icon-wio a-deepdarkness has updated their desires and fantasies info
  • 18.12.2018 22:46:29
  • Male (68)
  • Aberdeen
  • Single
I want sex with a guy or guys I want them to just use me, anything goes but no or , I want to have you in my cute butt and mouth, I want to be peed on by guy or guys, in short I want anything they are my desires. Anything else is a bonus xxx
icon-wio a-deepdarkness posted a status update
  • 09.12.2018 22:10:06
  • Male (68)
  • Aberdeen
  • Single
Well do you want my butt or not? Cos I want your cock in it. xx
icon-wio a-deepdarkness uploaded a new photo
  • 09.12.2018 3:19:14
  • Male (68)
  • Aberdeen
  • Single
  • a-deepdarkness
icon-wio a-deepdarkness has bought a Premium-membership!
  • 09.12.2018 1:10:06
  • Male (68)
  • Aberdeen
  • Single
icon-wio a-deepdarkness has updated their profile description
  • 09.12.2018 0:37:29
  • Male (68)
  • Aberdeen
  • Single
Caring, happy, sad, adventurous, quiet, very homely, clean and tidy, considerate, I say things as they are so I am very much straight to the point and some take offence by this but its not meant to be hurtful in any way I’m just me and don’t beat around the bush so to speak. I don’t like to More… frequent pubs and clubs rather be at home in peace and quiet. Hey enough of this ha ha :)
icon-wio a-deepdarkness has updated their desires and fantasies info
  • 09.12.2018 0:37:29
  • Male (68)
  • Aberdeen
  • Single
I want sex with a guy or guys I want them to just use me, anything goes but no or , I want to have you in my cute butt and mouth, I want to be pissed upon by guy or guys, in short I want anything they are my desires. Anything else is a bonus xxx
icon-wio a-deepdarkness signed up on Gays.com
  • 09.12.2018 0:29:07
  • Male (68)
  • Aberdeen
  • Single