
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 35
Status Single
Zodiac sign Gemini

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im looking for some at my place
ask me :)

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icon-wio allenGUY has bought a Premium-membership!
  • 13.10.2020 21:42:10
  • Male (35)
  • Collin
  • Single
icon-wio allenGUY uploaded a new photo
  • 13.10.2020 21:26:16
  • Male (35)
  • Collin
  • Single
  • allenGUY
icon-wio allenGUY created a topic in Gay Sex Forum
  • 13.10.2020 21:24:19
  • Collin
my place now
anyone live in texas :) dallas dfw area? :):) i host
Like manila318, hof483 and 2 more… · 2 Replies
LowDown Check out my profile. Might be available for future fun! Check out my profile. Might be available for future fun!
Like · 15.10.2020 16:35:06
G-Team Hey @allenGUY,
welcome to Gays. If you're looking for guys next to you, please use the search function in the main bar or create your personal to share your interests at Gays.
At the forum, we can't publish every single entry.
Did you also checked out our Icebreaker Zone where newbies can get in touch easily?
Have fun!
Hey @allenGUY,
welcome to Gays. If you're looking for guys next to you, please use the search function in the main bar or create your personal to share your interests at Gays.
At the forum, we can't publish every single entry.
Did you also checked out our Icebreaker Zone where newbies can get in touch easily?
Have fun!
Like Alexandria_Steele · 15.10.2020 11:26:05
icon-wio allenGUY signed up on Gays.com
  • 13.10.2020 21:14:14
  • Male (35)
  • Collin
  • Single

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