
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 33
Status Single
Height 165cm
Weight 52kg
Body shape Slim
Orientation Gay
Eye colour Black
Hair colour Black
Hair length Short
Beard Clean Stubble
Ethnicity Asian
Nationality Filipino
Personality Loving
Religion Catholic
Identity Just me
How out Totally out
Body Hair Average
Zodiac sign Capricorn
Smoker No
Tattoos No

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Please don't give up on me and i will never give up on you. I trust and believe you. Never lose hope.
I'm just a boy who wants to be loved. I am afraid of everything specially rejection. I am kind, sweet, caring, thoughtful like what my friends tell me, but I can be rude to someone who is disrespectful and displeasing. I love to cry. It makes me feel good somehow...

Gays.com gives you…

...tons of hot guys and interesting people to meet up with in Manila. If you prefer to see who's around, do some ‘window shopping’ first. If you know what you want, search by selecting the right category. Nobody stays alone here for long!

icon-wio Avatar_Pika uploaded new photos
  • 14.07.2012 13:09:48
  • Male (33)
  • Manila
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icon-wio Avatar_Pika uploaded a new photo
  • 30.06.2012 14:52:03
  • Male (33)
  • Manila
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icon-wio Avatar_Pika uploaded new photos
  • 18.06.2012 16:57:40
  • Male (33)
  • Manila
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  • Avatar_Pika
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icon-wio Avatar_Pika created a topic in Gay Sex Forum
  • 17.06.2012 15:48:39
  • Manila
Topic LvL: 1 - Gay Guys! <3
Does ORAL SEX takes your virginity away?
I'm confused.
JuanC ➦ JuanC quote Avatar_Pika: ❝ich war anfangs echt verwirrt. ^^❞
Warum verwirrt. Das brauchst du wohl absolut nicht sein. 😉 ➦ JuanC quote Avatar_Pika: ❝ich war anfangs echt verwirrt. ^^❞
Warum verwirrt. Das brauchst du wohl absolut nicht sein. 😉
Like · 25.04.2023 5:37:53
Jose_Fernandes-Dias having pleasure? best for you... having pleasure? best for you...
Like · 23.06.2012 12:49:50
Avatar_Pika i was really confused at first. ^^ i was really confused at first. ^^
Like · 23.06.2012 2:11:03
icon-wio Avatar_Pika uploaded a new photo
  • 17.06.2012 15:02:48
  • Male (33)
  • Manila
  • Single
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icon-wio Avatar_Pika uploaded a new photo
  • 23.05.2012 6:41:37
  • Male (33)
  • Manila
  • Single
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