
Personal details

Gender Female
Age 34
Status Single
Height 166cm
Body shape Average
Orientation Lesbian
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Long
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Personality Flamboyant
Religion Catholic
Identity Tomboy
Zodiac sign Taurus
Smoker No
Tattoos A few

About me

Interested in:

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If you love somthing set it free. If it returns to you then it is yours, if not, it was never meant to be. We as humans do not own anything, we only believe we do.
Hi, my name's Meaghan and I'm 19 years old. I go to school at Everest University and I'm studying Criminal Justice. Ive always wanted to be a cop ever since I was little. Well that and many other things, but my mind is made up now. haha. I love to write and have a lot of blogs on myspace. Granted they're all about the same person but I'm trying my damned hardest to let that go. I like to write lesbian erotica most of the time but other times I go for the fantasy adventure sort of story line. I love videogames and shopping for books and clothes at Hot Topic (my new favorite store!) I'll be sure to upload a pic as soon as possible cuz I have a ton on my computer. I have 3 tattoos and wanting more. Kareoke is the love of my life. Just kidding but its really fun and even if youre under 21 there is a bar you can go if you like to sing. Its called the Hideaway Lounge on 580 and Belcher in Dunedin. if you want to have a good time wednesday nights, thats the place to be. Ill see you there. ;-)


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icon-wio Meaghan_Weir uploaded a new photo
  • 06.01.2010 20:14:43
  • Female (34)
  • Dunedin
  • Single
  • Meaghan_Weir
icon-wio Meaghan_Weir uploaded new photos
  • 04.01.2010 4:13:10
  • Female (34)
  • Dunedin
  • Single
  • Meaghan_Weir
  • Meaghan_Weir
  • Meaghan_Weir
icon-wio Meaghan_Weir uploaded new photos
  • 10.12.2009 19:57:50
  • Female (34)
  • Dunedin
  • Single
  • Meaghan_Weir
  • Meaghan_Weir
  • Meaghan_Weir
icon-wio Meaghan_Weir uploaded new photos
  • 10.12.2009 2:34:18
  • Female (34)
  • Dunedin
  • Single
  • Meaghan_Weir
  • Meaghan_Weir
  • Meaghan_Weir