
Personal details

Gender Female
Age 34
Status Single
Height 158cm
Weight 54kg
Body shape Slim
Orientation Lesbian
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Short
Nationality American
Personality Loving
How out Totally out
Body Hair Shaved
Zodiac sign Taurus
Smoker No
Tattoos One

About me

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always try to be the rainbow in someones cloud!
hello everyone my name is STAR-LES i am 20 yrs old , currently working as a nurse ass. in school for my RN .... uhhh i am outgoing , but still a little shy , i like to think im fun , and loving , very positive and optimistic! i enjoy the simple thing in life ! and i just want some new friends here on gays.com! im out and proud now! so bring it on!! :)


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icon-wio Starles_Johnson uploaded a new photo
  • 13.04.2014 10:26:08
  • Female (34)
  • Los Angeles
  • Single
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icon-wio Starles_Johnson uploaded new photos
  • 01.04.2011 21:34:26
  • Female (34)
  • Los Angeles
  • Single
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icon-wio Starles_Johnson uploaded new photos
  • 13.01.2011 20:31:59
  • Female (34)
  • Los Angeles
  • Single
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  • Starles_Johnson
  • Starles_Johnson
icon-wio Starles_Johnson uploaded a new photo
  • 10.09.2010 21:06:49
  • Female (34)
  • Los Angeles
  • Single
  • Starles_Johnson