
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 33
Status Single
Height 182cm
Orientation Gay
Eye colour Hazel
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Long
Ethnicity Mixed race
Nationality American
Personality Romantic
How out Totally out
Body Hair Average
Zodiac sign Aquarius
Smoker No

About me

Interested in:

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And I mean hell, if you have to live the rest of your life in a memory, you might as well make it a good one. - Leonard Church, Red Vs Blue
I'm 19, i graduated high school in June (class of '09) and i'm working my first job. I'm an aspiring writer with TONS of ideas but right now i'm having a little trouble getting them off the ground. I'm a sappy guy and a hopeless romantic. Very quirky and talk to myself quite a bit whenever there's no one better to talk to.
Oh! favorite bands/artists are Breaking Benjamin, Chevelle, Muse, Owl City, Lady GaGa. BIG surprise on that last one. lol
also, I LOVE Halo! all thanks to one of the boys i fell for. I'm also border-line OBSESSED with a web series based on the Halo games: Red Vs Blue.
Thank you Rooster Teeth (check em out: )!

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icon-wio Thomas_C._Barrows uploaded a new photo
  • 06.04.2011 8:21:43
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icon-wio Thomas_C._Barrows uploaded a new photo
  • 15.03.2011 6:40:27
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icon-wio Thomas_C._Barrows uploaded a new photo
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  • 06.11.2010 0:30:38
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icon-wio Thomas_C._Barrows uploaded new photos
  • 02.10.2010 11:14:11
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icon-wio Thomas_C._Barrows uploaded new photos
  • 29.09.2010 18:16:56
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icon-wio Thomas_C._Barrows uploaded a new photo
  • 24.07.2010 10:02:34
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icon-wio Thomas_C._Barrows uploaded new photos
  • 23.07.2010 23:02:01
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icon-wio Thomas_C._Barrows uploaded new photos
  • 27.03.2010 8:11:15
  • Male (33)
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icon-wio Thomas_C._Barrows uploaded new photos
  • 26.03.2010 6:42:56
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