
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 42
Status Single
Height 166cm
Weight 63kg
Body shape Belly
Orientation Gay
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Black
Hair length Shaved
Personality Romantic
How out Out to some
Zodiac sign Taurus
Smoker Yes
Tattoos One

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


"Perseverance is the key to success"
In fact all this time I only lie to myself. After reflection, now I know what I want from life: I want to open myself to the outside, I want to give me the chance to be happy, I want a stable and lasting relationship, I want to love and be love in return. I have a good situation, but first I want to be a companion by my side both emotional and professional. Together us, we can enjoy life against all obstacles, but in a loving atmosphere. Like many others, I have my pros and cons, but I place great importance on loyalty, communication, sharing, honesty, sincerity. So if you have the same vision and same expectations as me, do not hesitate, email me, but if it's ONLY for SEX, thank you for reading, pass your way. Thank you.

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...tons of hot guys and interesting people to meet up with in Bucks. If you prefer to see who's around, do some ‘window shopping’ first. If you know what you want, search by selecting the right category. Nobody stays alone here for long!

icon-wio Vinesh_Lobin uploaded a new photo
  • 11.02.2011 19:44:36
  • Male (42)
  • Bucks
  • Single
  • Vinesh_Lobin
icon-wio Vinesh_Lobin uploaded a new photo
  • 24.01.2011 10:24:02
  • Male (42)
  • Bucks
  • Single
  • Vinesh_Lobin

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