
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 44
Status Single
Height 183cm
Weight 86kg
Body shape Average
Orientation Gay
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Hair length Medium
Ethnicity Latino hispanic
Nationality American
Personality Romantic
Religion New age
Identity Boi
How out Totally out
Body Hair Some hair
Zodiac sign Aquarius
Smoker Socially
Tattoos A few

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


When I was in the military they gave me a medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving one.

~Epitaph of Leonard P. Matlovich, 1988 (Thanks, Marlene)
UPDATE: Happily Married and just looking for friends. Nothing less, nothing more.

"Half Italian/Half Spanish" I Am Into Guys 18 to 30 ONLY.

I am out and proud, Very Masculine here but, I don't mind Fem guys at all... So hit me up.

Half Italian/Half Spanish
I am not in to mind games or drama. Looking for a Committed LTR... A special one to share my life with in a serious and committed relationship. For now Hook Ups or Just a One Night Stand are ok. Hey, I am only human and I have my needs. I just can't expect much from this website... Not the perfect place to find a LTR or a committed relationship.

I am a serious, intelligent guy. Professional and well educated, I like to think that I'm good looking but, again that's for you to decide.

I love Tattoos and Body Piercing. I'm a Top/Vers.

Location: Merrimack, New Hampshire

Relationship Status:Single

Interested In: Friends, Dating, Serious Relationship, Networking

Languages: Spanish, English, Italian

Gays.com gives you…

...tons of hot guys and interesting people to meet up with in Franklin. If you prefer to see who's around, do some ‘window shopping’ first. If you know what you want, search by selecting the right category. Nobody stays alone here for long!

icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi uploaded new photos
  • 14.12.2012 17:49:27
  • Male (44)
  • Franklin
  • Single
  • Vlad_Biaggi
  • Vlad_Biaggi
  • Vlad_Biaggi
icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi uploaded a new photo
  • 03.04.2012 17:08:38
  • Male (44)
  • Franklin
  • Single
  • Vlad_Biaggi
icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi uploaded new photos
  • 27.03.2012 14:15:43
  • Male (44)
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  • Vlad_Biaggi
  • Vlad_Biaggi
icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi uploaded new photos
  • 18.01.2012 18:15:11
  • Male (44)
  • Franklin
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  • Vlad_Biaggi
  • Vlad_Biaggi
  • Vlad_Biaggi
icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi wrote something in the Gay Forum
  • 27.06.2011 19:25:22
  • Male (44)
  • Franklin
  • Single
guys - Gay Guys! <3

Well, One thing!!! I would never ever have an open relationship. For that I just stay alone and fuck around all I want. For me a relationship means commitment and be there one for each other, and love each other. I still don't the love between 2 people in an open relationship. Everybody have the More… own taste so I don't judge but, is the same like a Hetero marriage where the man can screw other women and the women can screw other guys, SICK!!!

icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi wrote something in the Gay Forum
  • 26.06.2011 17:22:58
  • Male (44)
  • Franklin
  • Single
guys - Gay Guys! <3

You are ok Maitland!!! is just that when you started this topic everybody came to share their own experience. So as you can see you are not the only one that went through a bad relationship with a Gold Digger!!!

icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi wrote something in the Gay Forum
  • 26.06.2011 16:19:38
  • Male (44)
  • Franklin
  • Single
guys - Gay Guys! <3

You don't have to wait until you are 30 Maitland.... Just be careful who you choose, and get to know the person first before even try to have a relationship with him.... Trust me after being hurt so many times, I already know what to do. A good guy is out there waiting for you.

icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi wrote something in the Gay Forum
  • 25.06.2011 17:47:12
  • Male (44)
  • Franklin
  • Single
guys - Gay Guys! <3

Thanks Maitland.... Well before I found this guy, I was hurt and used many many times!!! You have no idea what I went through! but, it is not impossible. Nice guys are out there, just not easy to find them.

icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi wrote something in the Gay Forum
  • 25.06.2011 17:06:32
  • Male (44)
  • Franklin
  • Single
guys - Gay Guys! <3

I was lucky enough to found a BF that can careless about money!
Finally a sincere and honest person in my life!

icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi wrote something in the Gay Forum
  • 25.06.2011 16:33:36
  • Male (44)
  • Franklin
  • Single
guys - Gay Guys! <3

He he he he.... True to that Michael!!!

icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi wrote something in the Gay Forum
  • 25.06.2011 16:13:52
  • Male (44)
  • Franklin
  • Single
icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi uploaded new photos
  • 13.06.2011 18:40:44
  • Male (44)
  • Franklin
  • Single
  • Vlad_Biaggi
  • Vlad_Biaggi
icon-wio Vlad_Biaggi uploaded new photos
  • 16.05.2011 2:16:51
  • Male (44)
  • Franklin
  • Single
  • Vlad_Biaggi
  • Vlad_Biaggi