Phone Sex

Phone Sex

Gone are the days when each house had just one phone stationed in the hallway. Wipe screen mobiles mean you can have (handsfree) phone sex where ever you want. LGBT phone sex lines have always been a quick way for guys and girls to off load. Grunt, groan, scream the house down (after ensuring flat mates are out), talk utter filth, indulge in every conceivable type of foreplay imaginable, hang up and move on without even getting a name - easy and wonderfully uncomplicated. Just avoid using your work phone - or if you really have to, at least withhold your number.


Discussions and topics about Phone Sex

  • I'm a big gamer and play with a lot of people via Playstation private chats. A few times I've had sort of phone sex (if you want to call it that) with other guys while gaming online. We'd chat about p ...
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  • Articles about Phone Sex

  • What do you think about when it comes to gay foreplay? Oral? Hot, deep kissing? If you're looking to find new ideas on how to lead up to the main event and make sex more exciting – and longer-lasting ...
  • Every relationship goes through a dry patch, but sex in long-term relationships can be particularly challenging for gay men. Follow our top tips to rekindle the flame. Sex in long-term rela ...
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    Other terms for Phone Sex

    Keywords: Sexting,