

There was a time when a girl had to beg her parents to have her ears pierced. It was seen as a rite of passage, a sign of maturity. Now they’re so common place on both men and women that what was once a statement of rebellion is just another pretty accessory. Unless, of course, you want to push the boundaries and have endless studs and bars dotted all over your features: now, that’s still a potent way of communicating difference and a character that rages against the machine. For some, attraction is irrestistible.


Articles about Piercings

  • Nipple play is all about equality – it works for men and women. Result. But, gay males particularly love it! Why? Discover why nipples are such erotic hot spots and learn seven top tips on how to twea ...
  • If you believe everything you see in porn, sex is always hot and perfectly synchronized. However, as we all know, the reality is usually different. We take a tongue-in-cheek look at seven awkward sex ...
  • As it's International Fetish Day on 20 January, what better time to take a look at some of the most popular gay kinks and fetishes on the scene. Kink-meister Alex Hopkins lists his Top 10 – from pierc ...
  • Members who are looking for Piercings

    Other terms for Piercings

    Keywords: Pierced Cock, Prince Albert, Anal Piercing, Tongue Piercing, Ball Piercing, Reverse Prince Albert, Transcrotal Piercing, Deep Shaft Peircing, Frenum, Hafada Piercing, Guiche Piercing, Lorum Piercing