
Three times the charm.

Threesome: The more, the better

The more the merrier is invariably better with sex. That’s certainly the maxim of many a gay man. Indeed, the Gay3some isn’t so much a novelty as a rite of passage. What better way to explore your body than to offer it to more than one partner simultaneously? We all know that you’ve got more than enough booty to go around.

What should I think about before having a Gay3some?

What's the context in which you’re indulging in a Gay Threesome? In the no-strings-attached sexual playground that’s a sex club, it’s all about unadulterated fun. And filth. Find two other guys you’re attracted to. And get sucking ‘n thrusting. Simple. We’re talking raw animal needs. No need to overthink. However, things get more complicated if your Gay3some is in the context of a relationship. Perhaps you and your lover man have decided to open your partnership - and everything else - up. You might be doing this for the first time. And as such, this type of Gay3some can be as ripe with anxiety as it is desire. Communication is the key to a successful, happy Gay Threesome. It’s about trust. Feeling secure. Talk frankly about your feelings before opening your boudoir door to all and sundry. Set boundaries. And expectations. Stick to them.

How do I manage complex feelings about a Gay3some?

You and your partner have set the date. You’ve discussed your feelings. You’ve found an intensely hot guy to get your juices flowing. But inviting another guy into your bed for a Gay Threesome can still trigger some tricky emotions. The dreaded jealousy. How will you feel watching your man gurning over another? Are you going to feel like a spare part in your own love affair? The best way to handle difficult emotions in a Gay3some is to have a thorough debrief afterward. What needs to be different in the next Gay Threesome? Communicate with absolute honesty. Your relationship requires and deserves nothing less.

What positions should I use in a Gay3some?

Awkward fumbling and mindless groping are the enemies of a great Gay Threesome. How to avoid useless, flailing limbs? Or the horror of being stuck on the edge of the bed with nothing to do but twiddle your todger? Focus on forward planning. In a Gay Threesome, the parts need to fit. Three squealing bottoms in bed do not a spunkathon make. Conduct research. Select your third carefully. Engage with both of the other guys. Balance time spent with each. But don’t obsess over it. This isn’t a mathematical equation. Discover what turns each of you on. And then go with the flow. What have your Gay Threesome experiences been like? Nightmarish or blissful? Share below.

Discussions and topics about Threesome

  • Gangbang me

    Anyone want to come and gangbang me and destroy my holes ...
  • My Fantasy Threesome

    I've always fantasized about being in a threesome with 2 hot studs. Both of them to have their way with me. Both smooth and muscular and well hung. They have me oiled up and ready to take what they're ...
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    Keywords: Sandwich, Group Sex, Threeway, Gangbang, Double Penetration, Bisexual

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