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accept me for who i am!!! - Love and Romance

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Love me without ***, trust me without wondering, live with me without restrictions, want me without demands, accept me for who I am!!!


I for one accept people for who they are its the only way to have good friends your son is very cute no one should expect any demands from any one


Yes I agree and thank you...I made my son by myself...lol...can't you tell he is mini me...


Are you going to put a profile pic of yourself?


I wish it was that simple. It is but people just don't see it. They have so much hate its crazy. I love all. That is who i am. I hope one day people can see the way we do.


I live for accepting people for who they are, no one accepts me for who I am though. Nice to meet you all I accept you for you! I just read Ashley's, rock on girl that's the way everyone should be LGBT Power! Orale arriba la raza!


People should acceptfor who you really are or just keep walking only real friends will accepts you and you should not be really try to prove yourself just be who you are ok friend


I appreciate all your comments... we should form some kind of organization to open peoples eyes...but when you think about it people are very ignorant...lol


Yeah you are right, people are very ignorant. The organization thing sounds cool.


It's usually hard to find acceptance but most of the time i find it that you have to earn acceptance .. like respect.. depends on whatever situation you're in.. but in the long run of it all it really doesn't matter.. just be yourself an people don't accept that .. it's their problem.. more over believe in yourself n accept yourself to get em bak.. i know i go through things like this in my life most of the time.. n if people don't understand they can just go fuk them selves..what ever problem they have i know is not mine to deal with.. i just move on to what means more to me... what people really don't understand also is we're all just livin our own lives in ways we don't expect or understand... best I can say is be yourself, trust n believe in love.


@ sami, thank you for your kind words of inspiration...I agree with everything you said...I'm just in a situation that I'm trying to get out of...but once I'm done with this situation, its all about me and my son...I appreciate your comment very much...again thank you

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