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why it so HARD to find a LOVER.? - Looking for LOVE!!!

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i know it hard to find one these days.Are they are still in the closet uh!!!!!!!!!!!!


At the tender young age of 70, I've come to the conclusion that I need to find friends first; if something more happens, great. If not, I've still gained something.


Maybe u havent get to ur destination
But i believe someone is out there waiting


For me there was this amazing guy i was dating...he was perect for me. he was the first guy i ever dated and the first guy i loved aswell. we lasted for about a year and a half and he had to move to Cali and after that i cant find a guy i can love like i loved him. I figured out that what i want in a guy is everything he had. And i know that its not possible kus there is only and there will only be one ike him. the point is some of us set the high standers and are picky about the kind of guy we want. idk thats just me


ha dont you hate first loves? they come into your life and ruin soo many guys for you that you could possibly have a good relationship with just because you want what you had before. what you have to realize is no two guys are the same. try to find the good in each one. and although they may not seem as good as the other one, they still have something that you can learn or grow from. and some day you will fall in love all over again all it takes is time and patience

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