Mark_Cutler Posted September 4, 2010 Author I just read something on yahoo that was disgusting. A Lesbian Athletic Director in Mass. at a Catholic School, lost her job because she chose to marry her love. That's just terrible. WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE!! This is exactly the shit I've been talking about on here. When will it end. We need to make it end.
Deleted Member Posted September 10, 2010 EVERYBODY... Please take the time to watch this video and share it. Mark sparked me to return to my YouTube account to retrieve this video link. It's right up there with his comment.
Deleted Member Posted September 10, 2010 Check it out and feel free to go to youtube and grab the embedded code and post it to your blog, webpage, myspace etc. Even include it into your own profile, in this site (I did).... Thanks Mark.
Deleted Member Posted September 16, 2010 a very interesting thread. it is like the comments that some people made yesterday about the actor from hollyoaks coming out.... my favourite one was. "He's gay whoopee... you don't hear people appearing in the paper and saying ' i'm straight '. "
Miles_Barnden Posted October 26, 2010 just ignore any prejudice people, who cares what some silly person in public thinks, in fact if it annoys them them then good :P (p.s. if they look like they might hit u start running.)
Fe**** Posted October 26, 2010 "No man is an island.... No man stands alone!" Gays or Straights... whatever...whoever you are... WE ARE ALL NEIGHBORS. We can't really say, "The hell with them if I do this and that! I don't care! They can't tell me what to do because I know what I'm doing!" When God created man and the world.. and to everything in it.... God has already set all His creation FREE to move! However.... this freedom has some limitations, and who sets these limits? MAN! Man himself puts these limitations! WHY? Because man wants peace and love. How could we expect people to love us if we're too prejudiced with others who don't love us? How could we get their respect, if we don't show respect to others who are not like us? Aw..... come on! You can not just scream in some places that are private and formal, can't you? You''ll look crazy if you do that. We need to control our behavior as a sign of respect to others. Holding hands, kissing in public as some kind of a friendly kis is tolerable--- but to kiss erotically and torridly is another thing. Of course you can't just fuck assholes in public, can you? Erotic kissing and fucking assholes in public would be scandalous! What I really mean here is that there are some actions that should be made private, thru this.. we are respecting other's feelings. Nobody loves gays here in the Philippines? I Think, that filipino guy up there who followed this thread is making a generalization. Please don't believe on him. He's exaggerating! We have Bench Chan, an iinternational world-famed designer who is gay, and yet he is well respected by the elites. We have Rene Salud, Pitoy Moreno, and a lot more gays who have come to rise in the limelight--- they are respectable persons because they respect others in the society. WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT AMONG US ALL GAYS IN THE WORLD IS RESPECT! If you learn to respect yourself, you get respect from others. Respect begets love, and love begets UNITY. IT IS IN UNITY THAT HARMONY AND UNDERSTANDING WILL BIND US TOGETHER AS ONE!!
Daniel_Greanya Posted October 27, 2010 kissing in public is absolutely fine. People are going to judge us for many different things, and if kissing in public doesnt offend them, something else will. That said, there are behaviors that are unacceptable in public. Everyone wants acceptance, and I think that in the long run, the best way to gain acceptance is to live an honest and open life, respecting ourselves and others.
Deleted Member Posted October 28, 2010 Kissing in public should be fine however, in some cities or rural towns, it's very risky. For example, it's ok to kiss someone of the same sex in Toronto, pending on the form of the kiss (deep kissing or french kissing will raise some eyebrows). In my city, not acceptable. I live in London Ontario and keeping it low key is best. Why create waves when it's not necessary. London is a far cry from the big city of Toronto (where it's ok to be gay). Eventually, you develop ways to show affection (in pubic) to your significant other... discretely. I have learned over the years that yes, there is a time and a place for "certain" things. Be wary and casually look around before doing something that will make you mate blush. The element of surprise seems to work the best, even in a very public place. Be smart, not stupid and after many years for me, I've learned and I can still make my significant other (when I had one) smile, even in places that were highly unconventional.
Ro**** Posted October 29, 2010 I honestly dislike the whole kissing in public thing. Not just for gays or lesbians, but for straights too. Seeing it always makes me feel like I'm invading someone's private moments. I even avoid seeing things like that in movies because it's just that: an intimate moment between two people who really do care for each other deeply. Things like holding hands don't bother me too much though. I do agree with a lot of you that seeing lesbians doesn't really bother people, but then they've always been who they are since ancient greece and rome, whereas after Alexander, a great many gay men began to become more and more self-conscious after they let the church dictate everything to them. That being said, I find that people don't look at me in the same way when I hold hands with a guy. Everyone who asks me knows I'm bisexual, and I think that's why. They all secretly hope I'm going to eventually marry a woman. My father's even come out and said as much. I started to notice that after watching people's reactions to girls and guys I introduced them to. It's rather odd and a bit disturbing.
Ge**** Posted October 29, 2010 Hey Krystoffer -- How true! I live in a very small town north of Chicago IL, and if you have PDA with someone of the same sex it will surely do more than raise eyebrows -- but hey it does have it's advantages! On the other hand, in boys town ( the gay district in Chicago ) it is perfectly ok. May even go un-noticed! But I am not sure I would want to live there! I totaly understand why women dont like all the whistles and cat calls! Anyhow it is good to be back in touch with the world -- and I hope all is well with the people I have lost touch with!
Deleted Member Posted November 5, 2010 It will take a great deal of time, for humanity to step back and take a really good look around themselves and wake up to a new realization, that gays, lesbians, bisexuals etc., do exist on this planet and that we are no different than the next person. All religions must keep their own view points to themselves and leave it in their churches! Politicians must look and take note that we're no different than the person standing next to them. Eventually, we won't be chastised when we choose to hold the hand of our boy/girlfriend in public. This is our choice and ours alone. This is not wrong or immoral, it is our choice and ours alone. But as it stands in this day and age and no thanks to those air heads in the higher religious areas and in our governments, we must endure this bullshit, until someone steps up to the plate and makes a few profound changes. For the U.S.A, burning prop 8 to simply allow for 2 people of the same sex to marry, is a start. Some areas in Canada, allow for same sex marriages. Why shouldn't we have the right to marry, whom we so choose? Love see's no color, race, religion nor sexual orientation. So, for the time being, we must endure the negative comments, glares, slanderous words spat out by those who are so blatantly ignorant and only have been taught by parents and society that we are freaks and need to be chastised as much as possible. Yeah right, ok, whatever. So if it's only acceptable in some "designated" areas of any city, then so be it. Eventually, this to will change. Only mankind alone must accept everyone as a whole and not a partial. So the next time some idiot on a street or anywhere calls you a slanderous name, smile graciously. You know who/what you are and fuck them, since they're so insecure about their own sexuality, that they must be a dork and signify just how much of one, that they really are to everyone around them! Now, what woman in her right mind, would want a bigot for a boyfriend?
Deleted Member Posted November 5, 2010 "In her right mind" - that's the rub.... Unfortunately there are bigoted women out there too, who want bigoted boyfriends. And they reproduce more than the rest of us do, and that's why we're not getting anywhere, and may never get anywhere! All the 'right minded' people (straight and gay) wisely don't want to create more mouths to feed, while the Nutjobs go on churning them out like there's no tomorrow! (literally - Armageddon/The Rapture is imminent and God is just going to roll up the Earth like a carpet and it wont matter if we've all used up the resources and shat all over it) Maybe the recent election results down there have just gotten me in a bad mood..
Daniel_Greanya Posted November 5, 2010 um...all areas in Canada allow same-sex marriages...and most provinces (I think even Alberta...) have anti-descrimination protections in thier human rights code. A person legally can be out as they choose. While there are still many areas in Canada where you are likely to be looked at funny if you have a public display of affection, it is generally acceptable in big cities. I should also add that 66% of Canadians support same sex marriage.
Deleted Member Posted November 8, 2010 Ah, you stated "generally accepted in big cities." In Toronto it is. In Vancouver it is not. "Not all areas in Canada", have accepted gay marriages. It is left up to each if they wish to acknowledge it, or not. Ottawa only passed the bill to allow and left it up to Canada, how they wish to deal with it. But just like the crap in the states, pertaining to Proposition 8, Canada could very well do a complete about face and yank this right to marry, even after all the upheaval in Ottawa, pertaining to the right to marry. This was a huge hot topic for quite some time. If 66% are in support of gay marriages, I'd bank on it since most are just sick and tired of that topic, so it's much easier just to agree and give in. There are more gay couples out there who are living common law today, so by going and actually getting "married" seems to be the new "in" today. Most of my coupled gay friends, won't. Most are very happy with their own relationship, that a legalized piece of paper stating that they are married, just isn't something either of them wish to entertain. When your a couple and everyone knows this, why bother to go get a document that stipulates the obvious?
Deleted Member Posted November 8, 2010 Why not? Why don't they put their money where their mouth is and get that piece of paper? Is there something in the back of the mind that thinks the relationship wont last, and they don't want to go thru the process of divorce? Gay guys, rightly or not, have a reputation for short relationships. I say this cynically as I am gay myself. Also, there are legal benefits of being offically married, aren't there? Like hospital visitation rights, inheritance, etc., things that young people may not think about but will in time (or are these things more pertinent to the American system?)
Deleted Member Posted November 10, 2010 I'll wait and see if there are the same rights, for there's bound to be issues and negative minds and brick walls. I don't condone any gay couple if they wish to get married, providing they've been together for a decade or more. Gay guys who tie the knot and that area really young, this I don't understand and I fully agree with you Eric, regarding the shortness of most gay male relationships. Not legally hitched? Then you can pack up and go. Simple. Legally married? Ummm, can you say "paperwork"? You wanted equal rights and the right to marry, so this does have some legal binding issues, when a couple needs to separate and then, divorce. If anyone has experienced, what it is like for parents, when they start the process of parting, will understand where I'm coming from. Equal rights. When my own parents finally divorced, their own bank accounts really felt it. So people, before you even think about getting that "legal" piece of paper that states you're a legally married couple, do your homework. Marriage is a huge step and not one to take lightly. My blessings to those who are blissfully wed.
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