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fu*k me - Gay Guys! <3

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And, Never say Never, as well.
Never is a vary long time, lol

Yes,Allan,i must admit,i tend to agrree
with you there, some what. lol

Have a nice Day there Homer.
And you are a Sweety your self
you know, lol.

Yes Allan,you are lucky,

I am Working all over Easter
this year,doing maintanance
on some Railway Station`s.
I don`t mind,because i get
day`s in Lou,a bit later on
in the year.
Plus on sunday,i have some
family Visiting me,for the day.

What/have you any Plan`s at all ??

well i was thinking about heading south, but your working over easter, so it will be later in the month, and that gives us time to arrange it better.
was going hillwalking but rain forecast, dont worry i will find something to do, and in the meantime you can always dream, there is a few who do that already. D lol


i am working all week and easter day. i do not get a day off {:-(

We seem to be in the same Boat
as it were Homer,over this Easter time, lol

No to be honest,i am not into
*** at all.
And doing ***ful Kink,no,i don`t
think so,thank you. lol.

Pleasure,& Love makeing is
the name of the game for me.
And not Any rough stuff at all
thank you, lol.

Tommy, Yes the same here again mate, a good old bit of passion and romance, can't beat it.

Yes John,you just cannot beat
it, can you.
To be honest,i just don`t know
how any,any type of ***,what
so ever,or having some Really
Rough Stuff done to you,ever
a Pleasure.
I just can`t be,can it, ???
In fact John,to me, it is a
Big,Big,Turn off, lol.

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