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my virginity? - Gay Guys! <3


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i be mad if any one ***s you Micheal cause your sweet and you don't need that

homer, when i first came on this site one of the guys started a convo similar to this one, he was from california, and most of you know him,(william stevenson) i just let that convo bounce of me, with a slight comment, not wishing to give details, but some on here did give details, some of the things that they endured was terrible.
Nobody should have to put up with ***, and for some the shame they felt.
Male *** is now against the law, but at one time it happened, and was kept hidden.
On BBC News tonight 2 Church of england retired priests have been arrested for child sex and male *** of young boys, one of the priests was charged with 9 counts of male ***.
Remember these are the people against equal-rights for marriage, but its okay to *** young boys, sorry its not, and some on here would deal with them harshly.not just send them to jail.

i meant i doubt the 7 inch at age six. nobody will *** me believe me when i say i can handle myself aha. im not all feminine er anything aha

although aha it would be hot to like start off with a guy whp disapproves and then wants the sex aha like converting a straight guy


@ Allen, i know where you are coming from. @ Micheal, i am a good actor lol

All though my Life,i have alway`s been a Top. The reason for this,i think,is
when i was around nine or ten,at the time, a much older guy than me ( 17 )
tried to fuck my Man Pussy,but it hurt So,So,much,that it has instilled in me
the *** of Being Fucked. ( I know it is sad but it is true ).

Apart from the above,i can tell you all about the vary first time,when i Fucked
my vary first Man Pussey tho. lol.

Well then,i think that i must of been around 14 at the time ( I was a late starter ) i was on a sleep over at a mates house at the time.

When we went to Bed that night ( In our own Bed Room`s i might add ),
around 3.30 in the morning, my mates Dad, came into my room, claiming
that he had Lost,a ring,and he might of Left it in my bed room some whare.
Still being half asleep,I excepted what he Said,but before i new it,he was
on the side of my bed,with his Dressing wide open. I noticed that his
cock was all nice and hard. When i saw that then i got all nice and hard
too. I think that he must of sensed the fact that i was hard also,because
the next thing he did,was to pull the bed cover`s off and to begin to Suck
me off,big time. Any way to cut a Long story short, I ended up Fucking
him. ( I still get a hard on,even now,when i think about that time ).

Any how,this is my Story of how i got to fuck my vary first Man Pussey. lol.

youre story is gross no offense but calling it anything but what it actually is like a man cunt or pussy is just ugh, such a turn off i didnt even take the time to read the story

This is what it is some times called,here in the U.K. lol

It must be throe back from the 1960`s i recon lol. ( not like now ),ha,ha.

What should i call it,then Michael ??. lol. ( please )


@ Micheal, yes i am a good actor even when i am not feeling good, a lot of people who knows me, has to watch me very close cause if i do not feel good, i will not say a word, i will just keep plugging away at what i am doing. @ Allen and Tommy, that saying is used in the usa as well and it is a turn off for me as well. why cant guys say like it is, it is an ass not a pussy. why cant guys say something like i want you to fuck me in my ass instead of saying i want you to fuck me in my ass pussy or pussy.


I lost it on my 13th birthday, but just head was given


that dont count Yeremiah, blow jobs are classified as getting your rocks off. to lose your virgenity, you would have to fuck some one in the ass or get fucked your self my friend

homer be nice to jeremiah, he is on fb with me usually, and posts a lot of pics, and he has a nice brother, that would have your tongue hanging out.
he is not often on here, and its nice to see him.


@ Michael Andrews, my cousin turned out str8. I am good friends with his wife. I also fucked my mother's cousin. He later got married and was miserable until they divorced...


@ James Rudge, I see that you are bisexual. When you say that you are a virgin, does that also mean with females?


Okay this is not a first time but a first time to experience something like ***. One time while in a "dark room" in Berlin, I was having sex with a guy and was about to let him fuck me. He put on a rubber and then got vicious along with a second guy. He had a shaved head. I thought he was like a Nazi skinhead. I started to yell for help as well as I could? One of them had my neck clamped between his legs. I tried to yell and finally managed to get something out. They finally quit and let me go. At least it was safe ***. Lol


@ Homer, Yeremiah is also a FB friend of mine...


i am being nice, i am just saying that in order for him to stop being a virgen, he needs to either fuck some one or get fucked lol, i sure hope he chooses to fuck me lol

yeah homer speaks the truth that wasnt rude at all, and homer ehh damn ur a horndog, u want everyone Nd their fathers to fuck you :\

love your story Micael. First time for me i was 16, it was with my 15 year old friend. it was during springbreak 5other friends were asleep in the room. it started out as kissing, nothing passionate, and never on the lips. it was abjorably hot in my room so we were already pretty much naked anyway. i sucked him off within five or so minutes. i fingered him for a long time, dont know for sure, was hard to stop with the way he writhed with pleasure. i turned him on his side and got behind him. we had sex in that position for awhile, then i repositioned him on his back, got on my knees between his legs and lifted him up so he was on my lap and i could get inside of hime. he came on his chest. we were both tire, so i went back to laying behind him and slow fucked until i came inside him. the whole thing took about two hours. was real glad no one else in the room woke up...


lol No Micheal, i am just a horn dog who needs to be man handled, i do not do fathers unless the fathers are gay. i would take you to the park and have fun with you if you would alow me to sexy tiger lol, now thats a hot story Xavier

homer i sincerely hope that jeremiah fucks you, using protection, but does it with you at his place in philadelphia, anywhere is better than pendleton, at least on the east coast you would have some form of nightlife.

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