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my virginity? - Gay Guys! <3


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@ Allan, Pendleton is okay. It is the home of the Pendleton Round-Up, one of the ten largest rodeos in the USA. Lots of cowboys are gay and they are hot!

@timothy .......and they ride bareback at the rodeos, don't they !!!!


@ David, the round-up camp out just out side of Pendelton is where you do that. i would watch out for cowboys when your in the round up room under the bleachers at the pendleton round-up cause the cowboys loves to fuck you then beat the crap out of you for comeing on to straight cowboys


Allen, i would love to but again it is not in my finances to do so. every where is better then Pendleton, Oregon

@ Homer......the 'round-up' room sounds rather fun to me !!!


it is just beware you don't get a straight cowboy

come on guys it just takes one of you to go and visit him, make him feel not alone, and have fun, surely there are other gays in oregon.
And guys i wouldnt even try to come on to any redneck cowboy, much to rough for me, i went on plentyfish, for a laugh, they thought that scotland was in the states, and the guys on there were a nightmare, if i walked down the street with a pair of them, the army would have been called out, no thanks, i may be gay, but i am not stupid.


i usually go to portland, oregon every 3 months so i am due to go next month


Homer, I'm wondering how exactly you know what happens under those bleachers. How do you know?


I agree with David. No, I don't really like the idea of getting the shit kicked out of me!


I've been out in Portland with my mom's cousin. Then we went to his house and I fucked him! Got him in the mood, I guess...


Tim, i had friends that came on to cowboys, they took him under the bleechers to fuck him, he is only alive today because the indians step in and stop the cowboys from killing him, he spent almost a month in the hospital to recover from the brutal beating he had gotten


yes he is okay, he is just afraid to get to know any one on a personal basis because of it


it is sad but i am his friend and it has taken me a long time to get him to trust me again. this happened back in 1996 and i am just now gaining his trust again

well thats good to hear about your friend, and i lost one of my friends in a similar incident, but at least yours survived.
mine did not,even now its still unsolved, but that is one of the things about being on the game, and picking up guys for sex on the street.
But then that was a long time ago, and yet it seems like yesterday.

thanks guys for that , my friend would have appreciated the sentiment, he was very nice to me, and we went out a lot, until he ended up in jail, and then got stabbed.
All this for being a transgender, and part of the gay world at that time.

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