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horny!? - Gay Guys! <3


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you guys have no fucking idea how horny i am right now, i just want someone to rip my briefs off, i swear to god i just want someone totear my fucming clothes off D:

Michael if u were here in aussie I'd fuck you until u cried out for me to stop if u want to talk with me my msn is [email protected] I've got a hardon just 4 u rite now come & get it if your brave enough & want it
. Colin

oh Andrew, stop being holier than thou.....u have and will be there again just like Michael....ya, Michael....if u were here in Florida....i would love to, i am licking precum
from my cock now...just thinking about you.....

maybe an apology in order..??!! however....i still maintain this site is everything for a gay...never be ashamed to voice opinions, look for hookups, dates, fucks, whatever spin anyone wants to put on it....i am very sorry for your condition Andrew...but men are men, all they want is sex...yah, and some relationship too...bottom line, we all
want to get fucked...p.s. i think ur cute....by the way....


Such a shame that you are not in the UK Michael

oh wow Andrew....that's too bad.....and here i am. sitting in my Florida condo, naked,
laptop covering my hard cock pushing up on the computer....trying to let that precum
out for some nice looking guy to suck on....thats my fantasy right now man....and i am '60 yrs old....i hope ur condition improves soon for you man....that's all i have on this subject....keep fucking safe guys....relation or no relationship involved....that thing hanging is your gift toy from above....use it....*** it...but never give up that horny feeling or ur wasted emotionally....creatively....lovingly.....

Raceing hormone`s Going around one`s body at times,can couse Havock in
one`s Life at Times. lol.

I hear that there are Gay Site's for Guy's who want 2 Start Knitting, Just in case some guy's wnated 2 know, As for u Michael get ur Ass over here 2 Ireland. LOL


Micheal, come to oregon and i will have you on my bed with your meat in my ass faster then you can say holy shit


Andrew, we are jokeing with the boy and he understands that

LOL, well at least ur gone off my friend's list as u requested, Well Homer may be Joking with u, But 2 me UR the Biggest Joke i have ever seen on any site, God Help U, All i can say is HAHAHAHAHA.

I have been nice, i Lit Candle's for him, i Prayed for him, So Homer or anyone else Just how much Nicer can i Get.


i just dont want you getting up st sexy trooper, you are sexy enough with out getting up set.

richard southport is just as far away as i am, and you can get a flight direct to liverpool airport, and then the train to andrew 's place.
But guys dont fall out with each other, thats good coming from me who does that sometimes for next to no reason, and its only when i feel depressed.
A disease we all have, or at least most of us on here, its even more rife, than std's.
So have fun, and stay friends.

Michael, were you to be here in Indiana i would have no quelms about doing as you asked. though i'd rather be a bit more gentle and add some foreplay.

As i said before Mike I sure wish you were on the East coast I would take good care of you...Maybe you will come and visit us in the summer..

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