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Talk to me - Love and Romance

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Hey ladies! Havent been on this site for months!!
Just wanna chat, of course I have gay friends but majority being straight just wanna have more of my fellow homos around hahaha. OFTEN find myself unable to sleep! & need something to do.........

I'm pretty much the same way ...my girl works nightshifts n sometimes I just can't sleep...hit me up sometime tho...I'm always online. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Xo Destiney

you all need to come on more often and join in on the chat. We could use more of input on the conversations and some of the topics. Ill bet you have some interesting stuff to tell on a variety of things

Question to all, whether you are single or not what does single mean to you? to me it means I'm content & happy with being alone but want and need a partner to grow,support and share with -icing on the cake so to speak

I have been single for a while yet looking. Finding the right person. I thought I found her, but somehow there seems to be something brewing now with her and and ex.

cant sleep! Again lol.......got in a huge fight with the gf, all we seem to do lately is fight,i love her but for some reason cant shake this odd feeling, and I think of things that happen in the past and get upset and hurt all over again and un intentionally take it out on her......i want to get over it but dont know how :/

i'm somewhat of a night owl but everytime ive been on in the last week no ones been on chat

I havent been getting anything from gays.com in days Cant figure that one out. Also had new experience in sleepwalking and fell off my waterbed in the middle of night. `

Rowan, are you talking to me or the person who posted? sry but i just now seen ur reply

today I got several post from gays.com again. I wonder what happened.Did anybody else have a disruption in their emails?

Kim, at the time was talking to you, since it was late and thought you might still be awake.. this place is so dead at night (and simply generally).

thanks Laurel you know how to get the job done. I am glad to hear from everyone again.

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