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confused - Love and Romance


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Man it is so hard to find someone even close to nj that is my age. I do not know what to do or how to find someone. I just figured out recently that I like girls. But I want a relationship someone cool and not so clingy all the time. I go to a catholic high school so probably no one there is gay.


I'm having the same problem in SC granted I'm in the Bible Belt. I realized a few years ago that I like girls and it seems like all the decent ones are taken. I think though the reason I haven't found anyone yet is because she's not where I am. The key to the dating world is being patient and going through all the confusion and heartache, to learn who you are and who you want.

Chances are you aren't the only lesbian in you're school but maybe you are the only one who has come to terms with it. It's hard to be who you are but if you stay true to yourself you'll find the right one. You are only in high school after all.


Yes, wait until you get out of high school and into the great big world, everything will open for you then, there are probably more gay people than you realize at your school, however, like Libby said, they haven't come to terms with it and surely won't come out until after high school.

  • 5 weeks later...

I go to a catholic school so its hard but thanks for all the comments and help


i live in ct, never went to a catholic school, but even the public school wasnt the easiest to find girls, so i went elsewhere besides my highschool. itll all work out for you

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