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Losing your virginity - Gay Guys! <3


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I think I'm about to lose my v card and I'm nervous. Any advice? How old were you when you lost it? How did it go?

are you bottoming are topping? I was like 11 it was awesome that first real nut feels great.

I was 12 the first time I had coitus with a girl, 14 before my best friend Christopher seduced me.

Christopher an' me had a six month affair, I was the happiest 14 yr old in the world. He looked just like Kurt Russell, I often wonder if he still does.

I was 14 as I lost my v-Card. Connor do it and have fun with it. Do not have too much thoughts but think of your hygiene under your foreskin.
It was not a nice surprise for me at the next morning

So what you are saying is that I should wear clean underwear, have fun with it, and whatever I do, don't fart.

lol Connor. Well I lost my virginity when I was 11 and he was 16. Trust me five years in cock age is huge. Lol. Yes I was nervous and he was more experienced. It was insanely hot and I was in *** afterwards. I will say this make sure your hole is squeaky clean. I thank my friends for helping me with my first time. Also you must set your own pace when its your first time. If you really like the guy and the guy like you then after your first round you will find your own rhythm. Have fun and be safe.

I did it! I lost my virginity a while ago. Making out is so strange.

feel free now Connor! you didn't loose, you got a new feeling!

i lose mine when i am 13 too.

now i don't really like ppl top me, as don't get use the idea. so i alway top ppl

I'm thinking the same thing Ken. My first time was earlier today and I didn't like it. Maybe I'm a top and I haven't realized it yet? I don't really know.

I lost mine when I was 17 - in all honestly I felt that I rushed it.
It was near the end of August 2009, although I enjoyed it I just felt as though I should of kept my virginity for a little bit longer.
I don't think there's a specific age for anyone to lose their virginity, as you see in this discussion people all lost their virginity at different times, only take that step when you feel ready, that way your first time will feel special just like it should

Im a vers top Connor. Trust me I understand. I may only get toped like 3 or 4 times a year. Making out will come natural trust me. Just work on your fore-play skills.

  • 2 months later...

Hey Lewis, you could top me!!! I lost mine the week before I was 14, in a wood with a stranger and I wish I hadn’t done it like that, bent over a tree and him fucking off soon as he had cum. I do LOVE to get fucked hard and deep by guys older than me but it was not a nice way for the first time. I not done it much and been so long now I bet Im a virgin again!!!!

Conor, if you didn't enjoy it, it probably just means you weren't relaxed enough.
It takes a few tries to get good at it, and can take longer than that to get good at relaxing enough to thoroughly enjoy it.

I guess it depends what you mean by "losing your virginity" in gay terms. From reading all these comments, I reckon I was a "late bloomer" in all respects. 15 for oral, but I didn't "top" until I was 19, and never "bottomed" til I was 20. So when would you say I "lost my virginity"? 15, 19 or 20? I know guys who have never been into anal and have only ever done oral. Does that mean they're forever virgins?

Oh, and like Carl, it's been so long now I think I'm a "born again virgin"! Hehehe

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