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Your First REAL LOVE - Love and Romance

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Ok well my first real love was with my current girlfriend now...

Heres my story

It was a few days after i had moved back here to QLD from NSW.... well i was on My yearbook and i was going through my usual notifs... and i came upto this girl and as soon as i saw her pic i was like wow.... she looks amazing... so i sent her a message and from then on we messaged.... i asked if she had fb and msn and all that... we chatted on that till the 15th.... i was really scared to tell her how i felt about her.... everytime i spoke to her i felt uneasy like i wanted to talk to her and not stop.... it was a week before school started and we spent everyday talkin... i rang her and it was weird.... then our first web cam sesh.... GOD *rolls eyes* she kept making me go red and embarrassing me.... it was becuz i felt somethin that i had never felt with anyone else.... she made me feel and made me realise that there really are things out there that are really worth waitin for and fighting for.... and then i started to really fall for her...

the feelings i had for her were unimaginable :$ she understood me and didnt judge me.... and she was just everythin i have been looking for in a person....
In some ways i wish that i didnt ask her out.... becuz of all the stuff that has gone on... but im glad that i asked her.... she is soooo amazing and i couldnt really imagine my life without her in it :$ we have been goin out for pretty much 4 months and ive met her 2 times...... 1st time was gettin to no each other sort of thing.... then 2nd time was like us.... we could be ourselves.... (and meetin the family of course) lol but i would never take bak anythin except leavin her...

I LOVE HER and no one has ever made me feel this before.....

Wow, she is still the only woman I ever loved with my entire body, heart and soul. I gave her EVERYTHING I had within me. I have been in several long term relationships since her and never had the same kind of love that I had with her. She was amazing. Amazing in every way including sexually. Our sex was amazing, our everything was amazing. Brings tears to my eyes just writing this. I loved her. She ended up leaving me for a girl that I knew from a bar i used to go to. We were there one night and i introduced them to each other. They took one look at each other that night and I knew it was over. I knew I had lost her. It was only a few days later she informed me that she and "whats her name" were hooking up and she was leaving me. My heart broke into little bitty small pieces. I dont think I have ever cried like that before in my life and i haven't cried like that since her. I pretty much shut myself off to that kind of hurt again thats for sure. Its not healthy, no, but it is a survival thing for me. I dont ever want to feel that kind of *** again. EVER. But you know what? It was worth EVERY second of it. To have every minute that I had with her was worth every single tear. So, would I do it again? Hells yeah! True love is the best feeling in the world and I hope that someday I can find someone again who makes me feel safe enough to be able to open my soul up to them....instead of just a small part of me. I was whole with her....I have yet to find that again and that was 11 years ago. Maybe someday I will. A woman can always dream right?

WOW.... that must have really hurt.... i cant even begin to imagine wat u felt... but i honestly dont wanna feel that.... not with casey... i may be a 16 yr old *** as some ppl say...... a ***ager goin through a phase... but i no im not... i love her with everythin in me

i know how u feel..i felt that 22 yrs ago n yet i haven't found that one woman to fill that hole ago n to tell u da truth i don't think i want too..the *** i felt i don't ever want to feel again cuz it felt like my heart was ripping out of my chest, i mean don't get me wrong i have feelings for women, but like the first one n i can deal with dat. u are a brave one to want dat again..Good luck hope you find it again.

Yeah Its heart wrenching all right. I do want it again, I just dont know if it is possible to love another person that much again without being terrified of getting hurt again. Its definitely a challenge thats for sure...

i honestly don't think you can fall in love again, i mean once u felt it was dats it..ur doomed for the rest of ur life if ur lost it that one true love..i mean why do we keep on breakin up n finding another person n same routine over n over again..cuz u can't fall in love anyomore ur heart won't let u even if u want too..it's just lust u feel at da moment n then poof it's gone u want to just be alone away from dat person..you can do without. It's like a toy u get tired of it n then u want a new one to play with..I mean dats how i feel. Maybe i should find me a married woman..hmm there's a thought,,hehe..just kidding.

Wow, wow I'm still a kid when it comes to a relationship... Every girl I ever had a relationship always complain about my attention... that I don't give enough of it... and we lived together... Basically did everything together...and I felt like I was giving them all of my time... It was like they want to eat me up and everyone of them always want to flip on me and become the dominant one... but God knows even with the femininity that submerged through my masculinity.. that supernaturally ***s them to want and take care of me by having all of my time..and I mean literally all of my time.... which kind make me cautious now with dating women... when I dated men... time was never a problem... plus they cook and took care of me also...except with one guy and we did basically everything together....in which I think I was curse by him with that problem because after him I started dating women... and every female I enter into a relationship wanted to do everything together and we lived together.... Its good to spend time together but respect business have to be taken care of as well...

Lisa I hope thats not true Because I have been waiting 11 years...for "her" to come into my life. I miss that but just terrified of it. So very very cautious. Gonna take a lot for me to give myself that entirely to any woman again i think. Shes gonna have to be pretty amazing....

MOnique... lol was so naive back then ... thought it was true effing love but then i realized it was just infatuation... i was 15 and we had our first kiss in the girls bathroom.... haha.. funni moments.

but yeah my very first love is the girl i just broke up with (we were together for a year)... but we not gonna talk about that...

1st love 1st love...Focus..Direct...
Rob me of Life A Great Mistake...
left me short of breath...
with 1 Kiss from Death....
so Now I fight 4 Love
And with Love....
stepping out of the Realms of Norm....
Just to See Where U coming From...
So I could win Beauty
Her Friend Cutey...

Shannon lol our first kiss was on the swings, it was actually pretty freaking adorable, i was 14 and it was simple and fun. that wasnt love though, first love, now that was a difficult one to lose, but i dont regret any part of it. She was special and still is special, because of her i realized a lot of things about myself. An eye opener. So no regrets or hard feelings with my firsty

awww..young love how cute..makes me wanna cry..but i'm over it. Tina i'm happy with my life i have my 2 ***age girls driving me crazy and of course my 6 yrs also so dats plenty for me..I do go out and have fun with friends. I don't sit at home and cry or mope around the house feeling sorry for myself far from it. One day maybe i will feel that one, but til then i'll worry about it but for now i'm gonna have the time of my life.

My first kiss was i the 4th grade. We were inseparable. I kissed him by telling him to close his eyes I have a surprise for him she closed his eyes and I kissed him and ran. Later that year was was pulled out of the school because my mom was tired of the racism but it broke my heart.

Its crazy I am 25 and have 2 kids and was with their father for 4 years but my girlfriend I have now feels like my first love. I think about her before me. I remember our first kiss.....after she told me no once. Now that was cute. We were sitting on her truck sharing a moment and I looked up at her and said "Can I have a kiss" she said no. I felt like OH SHIT, but I played it off by saying "Later".

Later that day we were in her truck again I jst game her a stuffy and she looked so perfect when she asked me to come here and we shared our first kiss. It was so perfect. I was jst visiting her town for a week but during that kiss I promised myself I will never let her go.
That was in February and I packed up my life and now I am over 1000 miles from anything I know, but in the arms of the love of my life and there hasn't been a moment of regret.

I consider her my last first kiss ( she was my first female kiss). She's stuck with me haha

every relationship I had felt like my first love... u know made me feel so excited... but focus... and appreciative...

heres my story:
I thought i was in love with this guy and after he left me i slowly realized it wasn't actually love. i thought i was going to be alone and miserable for the rest of my life(because i was afraid to admit i was gay) then one day i was playing rockband and my ***s friend came over, as she walked down the stairs i looked over and fell in love. i could believe how beautiful she was and how quick we clicked. after about a month i made her mine and about a year later shes still mine she is my first true love and my last

I feel you Valerie. that's how it was with my girlfriend, but we met over this web site and clicked threw IM's, texting and long calls. After only a month I was so hooked to this girl I spent more the 1200 flying to meet her. As soon as I saw her in person i was hooked for sure. Long story short two months later I packed up my life and moved to be close to her. Its not easy starting from scratch but waking up to her every morning is worth it and after one month things are looking up.

Dyann dats wonderful... when you can express yourself... like dat... dat real love... keep it up...

  • 2 weeks later...

I realized that my first love wasn't really my first love ( if that makes sense) I thought I was in love with my first girlfriend but I didn't truly realize that I wasn't until I met my soulmate everything just felt so different some say that distance makes the heart grow fond but it killed me to be away from her she was my everything days with out hearing her voice or seeing her face made my life miserable and when we did see eachother it was hard separating again I can honestly say that no matter who I am with my heart will always belong to her because I gave it to her a long time ago and no one can ever make me feel the way she does I would do anything to have her back if I could rewind and go back and right all my wrongs I would if I could show her that I could be everything she needs me to be I would try if she would juss let me hold for one more night I would give the world to hold her in my arms but I messed up and now I have to live with the fact that I let my one and only true love slip away

that is not fair to yourself Latricia...come on... I am sure so one else can make you smile... smile...

Yea I sure hope so because I am lookin for sum1 to make me feel dat way again and my past couple relationships makes me feel like it's impossible

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