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If you could step out of your Body and Date Yourself Would U - Love and Romance


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Yes because I'd already know how to make her happy

Totally. Im and amazing person. I love people and have dedicated my life to others. Im a caretaker to certain degree though, I love to take care of my woman. I probably need to back off of that a little just because I need to take care of me a little more but I just want to keep my wife or gf happy and "into" me I guess. Just a character trait of mine i suppose. But, yeah Im a pretty good catch, when Im not overly caretaking. I do the best I can though so thats all I ever expect of my woman in return. Everyone has issues I think. At least some anyway. So, let life be life and your partner be your partner and if you dont like it, find a new one. Just my take

wow Tina...the question was if you could step out of your Body and Date Yourself Would U... I would enjoy dating myself... just the very though of it... I fall in love... and I appreciate the same thing in a mate... I Thank God 4 that emotion...

I don't know If I would want to date myself. I think very highly of myself but, I wouldn't want to date myself because then we would be to much like eachother lol I want someone different but then I could be different so I guess I don't know the answer to this question.

No! I would not date myself, I love myself but i'm already a *** is this ass for myself....lool! I need someone different than me.

Wow i do kinda go off on random things dont I....gosh im weird....hehe....I would date me anyway though...weird and all.....lol

i wouldn't want to date a *** in the ass... but i've learn how to work with them Del... Tina at least you are honest with yourself... and You gotta do what works for you... even if you see yourself as weird and going off on random things...


i don't think it'd be any fun to myself.
i would already know everything about myself...so there goes the fun of getting to know someone :P
i know exactly how to get myself off in my bed...but my bois usually find new ways. so..there goes the fun of learning new things in bed.
i like butchies...i am femme. i wouldn't even really be attracted to myself lol. unless i could separate my old tomboi self from back in the day? : /

it depends on your aim.. what you trying to see happen... then choose which one you think would fulfill that... be honest with your self... when you make your choice...

If there's no love with your ex...only friendship, you should go for the new woman. EX belong to the past...You have to choose between the past or the future...Good luck! : - )

It's weird but I think I would date myself in a heartbeat. I think I have a lot of the qualities I keep looking for in other people.

@ sarah you and yourself can venture out together for some fun it might be fun lol

I so would date myself might die of laughter though....I always said I am a sit down closeted comic.....grins...but then again...I would need a different type of person....the ying yang thing....probably to keep me grounded....I do get bored with myself...I do love myself already...could be the reason I have to change my glasses....but yes I would date myself....grins

There is no way in hell that I would date myself... If i saw myself in a bar, I wouldnt look twice, but if I actually got to know myself, I would realise that I'm too much of a stresshead and a bit clingy to handle...

Ahh love, it can be a wonderful thing, or a ***ful thing, or both... Romance? well love and romance, 2 diff things... haha. Anyone want to chat? Let's chat!!!! Just fair warning, I cannot be demanded or commanded, if that's what you are looking for, then I wish you luck... All I ask for is a bit of RESPECT!!! Don't need to be cussed at or anything like that... If you can fit this, give me a shout

I Love Myself but I wouldn't date me because, I'm a dyke & I love femme women.

Depends what the date was...lol....I know what I like and how tp make myself smile

I could never date myself.... I'm way to femme for myself lol I need someone to balance me out and I'm lucky enough to have found that

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