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If you could step out of your Body and Date Yourself Would U - Love and Romance


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Jo dats not true for myself... Because I am constantly... being amazed by self new discoveries... but one thing remains... intact... respect, moral value, and constant growth....I am a motivator...i don't even believe in failure... feminine when I need to be as well as dominant when I need to be...those are the very traits I seek in mates... I feel lucky just to be me... it would be wonderful... to be able to communicate and exchange those values with others... not knocking dating others... because i dated some really beautiful people.... they all agreed it's the secured like everything is going to be alright feeling i give to them that keep them in love with me... they also said I was too good too be true... and ***ed I was a player... they all wanted me to married them.... So I propose and gave two or them rings and told another I would think about giving her a ring...but I *** getting married... its like one thing go on females head and another thing goes on in mine... like to me we already married but to them... it like new rules have to be imposed... I'm thinkg...if these rules got us this far... why can't they take us on into our future...

if i were to meet someone like me would i date me ...nahh!! I'm crazyyy...lol..I'm having to much fun being single..everybody is in a hurry to get in a relationship and i'm taking my time to get into one..hehe!!

Amen Lisa. I love single. Its freaking awesome. Lonely AT TIMES however not very often lol.

i would love to be with someone like myself....have not met one like me yet....lol...

at first i thought about it and said no i wouldn't want to date myself because i would want something and someone different but the luck i have been having i would love to date myself LOL...at least i know what i am getting into, i know how i want to be touch and i would know how to touch back LOL ;-) but just the connection i have been looking for and the understanding of me having two kids would be lovely and i get that but the few i have come across do not understand 1st i have children 2nd i have to have a connections and 3rd i love to be out and about to have lots of fun happy tuesday to you all!!!

my first reaction was yes, of course. then i came to my senses and thought about what happened when i dated a girl who was v irtually identical to me, she could have been my clone. we were hot but more than a little bit....combustible. really really bad idea

wow... communication is very important.. even with a clone....


Would I date myself? That would be a really funny experience. Hm I'd probably have a one nighter at the most. For the sheer sexual thrill awww yeah, best part is no one gets hurt, cause I know how I do. I'd probably be like my best buddy, like dr evil and mini me.


Could you imagine what it'd be like to have one mind but two separate different bodies? I could get so much shit done. But that also brings up how maybe a conscious isn't really contained within a mind, but rather manifests around it and can reach out like radio waves. Interesting fact: studies have shown all minds are connected by the same frequency of brain waves, so if you're thinking of someone, they're most likely thinking of you and vice versa.

julian; i hate to kind of rain on your parade BUT.human brains are not CONNECTED by a radio frequency, but they pretty much operate with the same range of frequencies. which is what makes little things like ekg's meaningful. oh and cel phones wont give you brain cancer either. that was not meant as a cheap shot. i just thought it was funny. sorry, an MS in psychology makes me write dumb shit like this.

Julian I agree with the 2nd comment... Kristin you are saying the same thing.... beep beep...


Kristin, I said like radio waves, not actual radio waves. I could hear your " I'm talkin to a dumb ass tone" all the way over here in snohomish. Read carefully.

" Interesting fact: studies have shown all minds are connected by the same frequency of brain waves, so if you're thinking of someone, they're most likely thinking of you and vice versa." i read very carefully

Kristin I believe you & that person or persons is or are sharing the same thought pattern...for direction... i choose to make love.. not war...

Your a riot Toni! Now if we could get all those people in the middle east to think the same thing, my God all the Arab countries would be over run with children! LOL It's a travesty what they do to women over there and in some families it is still going on. I know it has improved but not by much.
I think I would love to date myself. I would have to figure out who should be taking care of who though! LOL We would probably fight cause we would be saying to each other - God your so honest it hurts sometimes or I'm okay take care of yourself as I am a caretaker type. I have tried to think of myself more as there is no one to take care of these days and you know I could get used to being a little selfish right now. I just hope it doesn't become a habit with me-me-me-me-me-!! LOL

I just know with God anything is Possible... or I wouldn't say it... You just got to believe... and pass it on... I do... Now receive that... not just with your heart but with your mind too...

Lol I wish I could do that but I've been hurt so many times, but no I would not want to date myself because It would be 2 much and I want to have someone thats a lot different from me and that I could get to know that person and they get to know me and we grow knowing each other...stuff like that, lol I also think it would be boring too thats my opinion


Sometimes a little justice is needed, and when I'm offended it's hard for me to just sit down. I will for the sake of peace tho. Thanks Toni.

yesssssssss i wld date myslf quick fast and in a hurry lol i luv me and accpt me the good and the bad all of me since i can't step out of my body i accpt my lady d good and the bad and when i can no longer i move on thou not as easy as it sounds it's who i am i never ask a person to change to make me happy but i ask plz dont stay with me if you/they are not happy. hope all have a nice joyful weekend

Thanks Julian... that is really sweet Evette.... Thanks...

I would never date myself because of the fact that I am a stud and I wouldnt be attracted to myself.....I mean I have a great personality but I am looking for my complete opposite someone who completes me it's corny but I am looking for my better half and with someone just like me I am more likely to become irritated after a while opposite attract so that's what I am looking for someone to level me out give me the balance I need

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