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Being Gay & having a Fetish - Gay Guys! <3


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Hello Everyone i dont know how many here have fetishes & are afraid to come forward well ill start this off my Fetish is i love wearing Diapers & have since i was about 12 yrs old & dont know what it is but just the feel of a diaper on me makes me feel secure & safe i hope most who read this understand that being Gay & having a Fetish is ok & that even though some may think its weird but we all have something deep within us just dying to come out & so feel free to comment on this as id be more than happy to explain about it thanks all my love Tim.

Well, I don't have a fetish like that, but I respect you telling about it. I don't think what I like is a fetish, it's more of something I like that feels good. I like guys to GENTLY lick or flick my nipples. I had an experience once where I nearly had orgasm from just nip play (and my pants were still on!) Anyway, I would like to see others post their fetishes here. And kudos to you, Tim, for being brave to start it.

thanks im hoping people will post on here im kind of worried of who comes out of their closets & stand up for what us Gays believe in as for having a fetish im proud to say that even if I am gay im happy to say I have a fetish

Hey Tim& Scott,
I reckon licking nipples is a sort of a fetish and it would probably feel real good.
I'm not into diapers, but I've seen a few guys on facebook who so it's not all that wierd. My great grandad wears a diaper coz he can't hold it in. Mum says lots of old people do. I'm okay with it.
I bet my fetish is kinkier than yours. I have this thing about spanking. I've never had a real spanking but I want one. I fantasize about it all the time. Did you guy get spanked?

When I was a ***, before I started dating, I used to like to masturbate outside. I also like to try to time an orgasm to happen right at midnight on New Years, that way I can tell people I had an orgasm last all year! lol

This is an interesting conversation guys!
Diapers, spankings and nipples... I suppose they could all lead to masturbation.
A spanking may not be what you think it will be like Alan. You may change your mind if you ever find yourself getting one. Isn't that right Tim?

BTW - I think I might enjoy changing your diaper!

I just noticed you don't live all that far from me Alan.
Add me if you wish to. It might be interesting to chat.

oh sweet thanks yeah I don't know why I enjoy being in Diapers but am happy to say im not hurting anyone by doing it so im glad that you guys toally understand in what I enjoy anyway keep in touch guys ok thanks all y love Tim.

Um I like touching my nipples... when I... you know...

This was so awkward for me...

no problem. sometimes, having mine touch pushes me over the edge.


Thanks to Tim being courageous enough to tell us about his diaper fetish we're having a few others being drawn out as well. I already commented on Alan's spanking fetish which is one I share being the one giving the spanking. It can be very erotic if done well or more punishing if that's what the guy wants. I had a young friend who I used to chat with online who had a serious diaper fetish. He was very into it but terrified of his peers finding out. What are your thoughts about that Tim? As you say you're certainly not hurting anyone and if it makes you feel good, why not enjoy it. Great discussion guys.

Just as long as Alan finds a decent guy for his first spanking session. There are some really brutal, sadistic mongrels out there. I wouldn't want to see him get himself seriously hurt or have the first experience put him off completely.
I notice he also mentions canes on his profile. The wrong caner can do serious physical damage. He needs to be very careful. We don't want him to meet some stranger and end up like Daniel Morecombe!

It depends how old you are mate.
If you are over eigh*** it would be an honour to take you across my knee.
I don't touch anyone under 18.

I wish I had a son like you. You sound like a very special young man.
Your parents only need one son!

I have lots of fetishes and I enjoy learning and trying new ones. Yes there are some I dislike but its healthy to try new things, if you stay in the norm for to long you will never be happy or at least entertained.

I have a lot actually. I actually like guys wearing black socks, older guys than me, chubs and hairy. I have a fetish on the underarms and feet especially if they are clean. I also love licking neck ugh oral sex is the fetish i like the most.

thanks as being Gay & loving Diapers is one of my many things in life as for anything else im always open to suggestions or comments feel free to inbox or hit me up on yahoo messenger

  • 3 years later...

My nipples are also a sensitive spot for me. I even went a step further and got them pierced. Touch them and you can talk me into ANYTHING!

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