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looking for advice.. ?? - Love and Romance


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k im 22 yrs old. all my life i felt like i was confused.. its my 1st time all of this. ive nvr had a gf . life gets hard sumtimes i wonder if its all real at times. i tell myself the same thing i luv helping ppl, i have a big heart im talented good looking but it seems like it all means nothing at times.. im so into my religion but then i question myself of wht i feel in my heart & know the difference between right & wrong..

Here's my thought process we're supposed to love everyone, unconditionally love them. It's all about love and there is nothing wrong with loving someone. I've never had a girlfriend either but that means nothing I just haven't found a girl for myself yet. Yeah it's gonna be hard and people will hate you for it, for who you are. But you can't change who you are no matter how hard you try. It comes down to whether you want to be loved for who you aren't or hated for who you are. Pretending to be someone other than yourself only hurts everyone in the end. So it's your choice and it's a hard one to make. Just remember, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Are you willing to fight for who you are? We all had to make that choice. Right and Wrong it's all relative. What is right for you?

very true & i completely agree with u..but most of my friends r christian. at wht age did u like start i guess getting our there ? i believe in my religion also. i guess coming out is not the problem.. but i feel like maybe god gives us trials that he knows we are able to endure but i cant change wht my heart feels.. idk i just kinda feel hypocritical going to church. its all complicated. ive nvr really either had friends that r like me.

Honey it's not about God it's about ppl. God made you who you are right? So he made you this way and loves you for who you are. God just wants you to be happy not *** yourself for some falsely placed prejudiced that ppl carry. As long as you believe that god just wants you to be happy you shouldn't feel like a hypocrite. My grandmas church has a Gay pastor and he does special sermons on accepting homosexuality. So as long as you can get over people's views of you honey you can be who ever you wanna be and God will still be there for you

kk thank u. im sorry im just speaking my mind wanting to hear sum advice. thats all. a

There's nothing to be sorry about. It took me a while to be okay with myself and to get out of the denial stage and the it's wrong thing. Even though I had gay friends I was still in the "Love the sinner, hate the sin" camp and that's what was wrong. Once I just stopped trying to be someone I wasn't, I was much happier. It's one of those things I guess. I still want to be a youth pastor it's failure to see past the comfort zone you know that get's everyone. We grow up hear look before you leap, but sometimes there's nothing to see until you jump.

Just thought Id point out that it is one thing to love god and believe in him, but religion is full of MAN's perspective of what god tells us, so you have to remember that when you look at your religion part of it is the god part, and part of it is by humans who make mistakes and don't understand everything...maybe that can help you to feel less hypocritical and more accepting of your human self

It makes me so sad that religion tells so many people how to be, and that just isn't possible, we are all so unique! There is no way to fit into the mold that religion tells us to fit into...and so many people beat themselves up trying

Um hi. Just so you know... I know what ur going through. I kinda went through that too... questioning my heart and my faith and putting them both into the same catagorie. Anywayz, Ive been out since i was 13 and I've been christian all my life. I believe in god, i believe jesus died on the cross for our sins, and I most of all believe in forgiveness. Now im not saying I am sorry for who i am. We should never be sorry for who we are. I just honestly believe god will look into our souls and see what type of person we are. not judge us by the color of our skin, our sexualities, and age. I believe he would look deeper than all that. um sorry if that was confusing. Thats just my opinion...

I think we so often forget though as Christians we are friends of God, and by being that he'll accept us no matter what. If you go back through the history so many were persecuted because we didn't look at it as a religion but as a relationship. Being who we are, who we were created to be doesn't disappoint God, it disappoints people if we don't act like they think we should. First and foremost we have to be real with God, with ourselves and with each other.

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