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Why is it so hard to let love into my life again, maybe I have been by myself to long. And now I feel that I miss it so much, I miss love, I miss kissing, I miss putting my arms around the women I love....I have so much love to give...


Well it came right from my heart


love will come again if u allow ur heart to open up
right now
i cant so i have ''sex''
xo k


open up ur heart...it not u, its the heart who decides who u will love...


You'll know when you find the right person... hang in there.


It is hard for me as well Jennie. I've either been let down or hurt almost every time. I guess the reasaon it is hard for me is that I just don't want to be hurt again. I've got to open my heart again because, like you, I miss holding the woman I love in my arms -- I have a bunch of love to give her.


yes i can relate i opened my heartto ''val'' and got hurt deeply
so although i know its stil;l in there the ''love'' to give
i sdont want to open it open
not yet
so i do understand
take ur time and have some ''fun''
it is helping me to ''heal''
xo k


Sometimes love hurts but it all brings us to who we suppose to be with my mom has been hurts soooo many times but it all led her to my stepdad and now she couldnt be happier yeah they have their problems but thats how it is with all relantionships so dont give up open your heart when you can because one day it will lead you to your true one and only


Love does hurt, but your right Jessica, an open heart will lead to true love.
I know that is right, but it is hard to open up again -- like the saying goes, if you fall off a horse, just pick yourself up and get back on again. I will give it a try. Thanks for the advice.

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