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Are we playing or serious - Love and Romance

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i reach a part of my life that im ready to be with one person not that i been with a lot of girls or as u young ppl say stepping out im just picky on who i bring around my kasie she at a age she like everyone and dont want no one to hurt her


well, all i have to say to you is that do what what you think is best for both of you. also, don't forget to educate ur child about the matter. believe me they are never too young to understand. of course don't bombard them all at once take it slow and steady. Answer her questions clear her doubt and make her feel safe. let her know that no matter what ever the changes are, you are always there to protect her. you are always there for her.


you must always do what u think is best but now u must think for the two of u, and i feel that as a pre k teacher your child must know that they r and wil always b first and that must be known for any person u get with. and the person u get with shld feel the same your child is first. we must be careful of what we say and do around children and have familys dinner, our kids need more people skills grown up in this electronic world. no i have no kids but i do know that your child our future and we want a better future so whom ever u share your world with must know that its not just u good luck and best wishes our future

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