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age gap - Love and Romance

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I might have a date this friday night, but I'm really beating myself up about the age gap. I turn 37 tomorrow, and she's only 21, I know that big age gaps are common, but I'm feelign really concious of it. Also, neither of us have a lot of experience, and it sounded like all she wanted to do was be sexual as soon as. I don't have an issue with that so much, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for, yet if I'm out, had a few drinks, I'd have no issue with going back to someones place to do the do if that we're to happen.

Age gap shouldn't be an issue... though i guess you have to think about what you're looking for in this relationship. If you're not looking to jump into a sexual relationship so quickly, then don't. Don't be pressured into doing anything you're not comfortable doing. If the relationship is worth it, so will the wait Also you've gotta think what happens afterwards... will jumping into bed mean the beginning of a lovely relationship? It could... or it couldn't.. it would depend on both of you. I don't believe there are set rules like date for 3 hours/days/weeks before you sleep together because different people have different needs/desires/plans for the future etc etc etc. No right or wrong except for what you two want out of it. Good luck

hey i wouldn't worry about the age gap, just go with it and have fun, be relaxed on the date maybe just dont have several drinks to help you do so, as you then know exactually whats going to happen ops!!
Not that i can rly advice you on this though as im kinda in the same boat aside im the inexperienced one currently getting with an older experienced girl :/ n thats a very ;/ for me
I hope it goes well for you n keep us informed x

She's had to cancel as she's got to be in work early the next day

i was talking to someone much younger then me and really excited about it, kind of nervous if we would have things in common...i think its fine as long as you find someone who is good hearted and would not try to use you for anything and that seems to happen a lot with big age differences...good luck

Not yet, I simply said to her "np, we can do it another time", I don't want her to feel like I'm stalking her or something, and I don't want to get as paranoid as I did with the sort-of-ex

Hi, I'm in a relationship with a woman 26 and I'm 52. I 'm worried about the age difference and the fact she's asking me for money when we've only known each other since September 11th. We haven't met yet, and she is in England doing school. My friends don't trust her, but I don't want to get all paranoid on her. She says she needs some money until she gets her inheritance around her 27th birthday which is in December. I'm thinking..should I take the chance and give her a little money or wait until we meet. She claims she's crazy about me, and I really love her. Laura xoxo

PS..is there other women in this same kind of online relationship?

Dear Laura

I'm very sorry to say that i think it sounds like a scam. I have not personally experienced this but i have heard MANY stories like this. They always say they are about to come into an inheritance/their parents are rich and will give them some amount in X months' time. If she is asking money from you so early on in a relationship, i wouldn't trust her either.

If you want to give her the benefit of the doubt, say you don't have money and see if she sticks around and is as crazy about you as she claims.

Do keep us posted.

Much luck to you, my dear and hope i am wrong.

Hey...asking for money so early on in the relationship is a no-no...and especially if it's only online.

As for the age gap, my gf is 10 years younger than me...and it's not a problem at all. I think it really is about the person, not the years...as they say (who?) age doesn't matter unless you're a cheese! hahaha (don't ask!)

Most scam tend to originate from Nigeria, and if they have a profile photo, it's normally only 1, or the photos don't look like they should be the person. Regardless, I would't send any money, especially here to the UK, as no one here is left without money. Lemme guess, she asked you to send money via Western Union?

do not do it...the nerve of her....its definately an issue....not cool, be very careful....i would run as fast as i could....

There are scams from UK too. My friend experienced it. She had skyped with this person so the person was 'real' but in the end, money was asked for and when not given.. the 'relationship' bombed.

Another way besides having only one photo is if the gal has facebook. Many young girls (around 20s) have facebook. It's pretty rare to find one without. If they have facebook, you can see they will have friends and family there and it will give an indication that this is a real person or not. Saying that, i know of people who have fake facebooks with thousands of friends but... it's just something to consider as ONE part of the verification process.

It's tough to be cynical but sometimes you just gotta be realistic.

Also if she's a real pretty young thing and is coming on to you with bras blazing... it's time to take a reality check (this i have personally experienced)... she ain't after me for my sparkling personality - that's for sure...

This young lady is using you, and you haven't met face to face, nah she's scamin you, how many other women has she scamed, you need to dump her, and find someone that lives in your state. You need a woman that wants nothing from you but love.

Hi Jodie, this woman turned out to be someone with very different colors..of the Devil kind! She's scammed men and women all over the world. Hopefully her or he will be caught, and people won't have to deal with these crooks anymore. She made a mistake picking me..God is watching out for me! (LOL). I definitely will be careful of the next woman I meet on here or anywhere. Right now it's hurting, but that's normal. Got scammed awhile back on here by a Kimberly Wallace..but lost no money in both cases!
Laura xoxox

Hi Sharon, loved your comment..bras blazing..made me laugh! And it's not your sparkling smile she's after but your wallet(LOL). Laura xoxox

Hi Sara, I was talking to a chick online and she said some of the same things, said she was gonna come to the US but needed money. I was a little wrapped up in the bs but noticed how she was impatient with talking about anything other than that subject. Also her typing changed, the way she spelled words. Keep ur eyes open to subtle differences if u intend to pursue this but i strongly recommend that u tell her to kick rocks til her toes bleed.. just sayin..

Laura, I'm sorry to hear it turned out that way. Luckily my age gapped LDR did not turn out like that. I never once asked my now fiance for money, she even wanted to give me some in rough times and I would not let her. We lived across the US from one another and didnt meet for 9 mos but are now living together and have been together 3 yrs in Jan and have been engaged for over a year now unfortunately.. Blah stupid anti-gay marriage crap.
Sarah, I hope all turns out for you. I guess just give it some time and see if she gets back to you. Good Luck to both of you.

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Just starting reading this post and the same thing happened to me not too long ago. It really fucked me up and left me in some what damaging ***. It took me about a few months to come back on this site and starting to trust individuals on here.

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