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Do you prefer to be single or taken???!!??? - Love and Romance


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Do you hate or love to be single? What makes one person want to be Shane and another want to be Jenny or anything in between? (not that i am categorizing) ...is it true that we have 'the one?'?????? Your opinions please

i really dont know maggie. on one hand i enjoy a relationship but on the other hand i am soooo like shane lol
''a player''
i always feel that i desrve better
and i do
so i personally enjoy being a ''player''
i was in a serios relationship but severe problems occurred with ''family''
i keep it ''open''
i was in love with ''kelly'' aka ''va'' lol she was born on valentimes day
so thats my answer right now gear maggie... xoxo karen

Well think most people want to be loved r with someone but staying is hard cause you have to be a fighter in any relationship cause it's work. now the shane thing guess a real player doesn't lie to the ladies they tell them and because they are so smooth in what they do the ladies chose to b in the Shane game, but if u lie to the ladies and call yourself a player I laugh at you that's not playing anyone can do that it takes a real player to be Shane all that said I am a Jenny been shane long long time ago and it ends with loneliness so I'm trying hard to be a Jenny just keeping it real I'm on the honest tip ...pj

Thanks for your interest in this subject Karen Many lesbians i know want to have there 'cake' and eat it too! I personally am a one woman woman, however when i am single i erm 'make the most should i say' I feel the need to be in a relationship as this makes me feel fulfilled. Maybe that is a blight on my personality, maybe not. Either way there is far too much love in my heart only for me

Thanks Pamela. You are spot on that relationships need fight! Shane fought in the end, Jenny fought for all the wrong reasons, maybe using characters was a bad choice i just wanted some discussion that lesbians can connect to and L Word seemed the obvious choice. There are quite few differences in the cast of the L word, i chose the two i feel are opposites. Don't be anyone you are not! You are an individual and do your own thing in your own way regarding your own relationships!

Well I think u got the point as a wm I would love to find a real woman but till then I will take my time this time around to wait for her ...big smile just keep keeping it real Go NINERS

jenny was a ''sociopathic person!! she was very fkd up! lol
id take shane anytime ty
xo k

and if you arfe secure and confident in urself u dont have to be lonely
a strong woman does not need someone to fulfill that need if it happens it is a gift
if not so be it xo karen

Truthfully it's not hard to get a person to be with its hard to find a good one so I'm just not accepting the offers that are being put in front of me I am instead choosing to stay single till I decide a good woman fits what I'm looking for but trust its not a lonely wait by any means ... Mmmm mmmm

i suppose my age and experiences come into my own situation, i have done the 'shane' bit, didnt suit me, avoided the 'jenny' bit with a passion! The question is not who you can get with its a question of who we are!! @Pamela

That was my whole point so sorry it was missed n pls call me Pam .. Always smiling As experience I have lots last was 13 yrs so trust been there more than a few times lol

I hate being single -- I have been single to long. Right now I would rather be in a relationship.

I am not a huge fan of being single, but I am not afraid of it either. I do tend towards serial monogamy, though. Right now, I have been with my girl for 4 & 1/2 years. I don't know if I believe we have just "one" person that we can be truly happy with, but if we do only have one I am pretty sure she is it. At the very lease she is something amazingly special and I can't see ever wanting anything else.

Before meeting my current girlfriend was the longest time I was single since I was in college. I did live it up as much as possible, and I think it was important to have that time before starting my current relationship. I think being single is a very important experience, that can be used as an opportunity to really build a healthy relationship with yourself.

I don't think most people want to be a "Shane" or a "Jenny". I imagine most people want to be somewhere in between. Personally, I have been at both ends of the spectrum at different points in my life. What makes me tend more towards the monogamy now are two things: 1) I am absolutely head over heels in love with my girlfriend and 2) my girlfriend believes only in monogamy. Monogamy doesn't bother me (nor does polyamory) and I don't see anyone who outshines my girl, so why would I even think about straying? But I think people who choose monogamy choose it for all sorts of reasons, and people who choose polyamory choose it for all sorts of reasons. Honestly, I think most people choose monogamy because they were raised to believe it is the "right" way to be.

Do you hate or love to be single? What makes one person want to be Shane and another want to be Jenny or anything in between? (not that i am categorizing) ...is it true that we have 'the one?'?????? Your opinions please

to be honest i have never been in a real relationship. I would like to but thought my studies were more important, that i wouldn't be right for anyone etc. I like being single but i do wonder what it is like to be in a real relationship. Just everytime i gone out before either it is awkward or we have nothing to talk about. It always feels more like work. Not like the exciting swept of your feet feeling books and movies discribe.

being in a relationship Once Upon A Time was beautiful but being single is like woa i have a choice i kno i can take it slow i don't have to rush into anything not even a kiss. i need only to make me happy and dat i am dat i am

I would love to be taken but as stephanies said they would be some one that loves me for me

  • 3 months later...

i prefer to be taken but only by someone who loves me for me. i will never do one night stands even when im horny i just wait till that person comes along after getting to know them

Honestly, being in a relationship is nice but depends on the two people. If there no compromise on the 2 people then I would rather be single. I agree with you Annmarie. Would like to be in a relationship with someone who love me for me and wont treat me with disrepect. One night stands are not my thing, as well. Frustrates me that people do that to others but hey, what can I do? Nothing. Right now being single is all right. When it comes to be in a relationship again, it will be with someone that treat me right and vice versa. More importantly, the trust that we build to wait for each other until that right moment.

your right about the trust amanda because u can have a realationship without trust and also compremises. hope everyone finds the right person everyone deserves to be happy xxx

good talker hun
u blew it not me
trust and compromise what a crock
talk talk talk
i never ever lied to u about anything

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